Q&A With Pastor Joie

On this week’s episode of the Joie Miller Podcast, we’re sharing a Q&A Pastor Joie did at our December Chick Church!

Q: What advice do you have for women who are more spiritual than their husbands?

A: Women tend to come to know the Lord and get serious about the Lord at a younger age. Don’t give up on your marriage! Keep seeing your husband through the eyes of faith, and honor him where he is right now. 

Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives. - 1 Peter 3:1

Q: What is your favorite story in the Bible and why?

A: I feel like every time I preach, I can tie it into Joseph. He had a dream, and then he went through a lot of junk. Even though it looked like he was getting further from the dream, he was staying close to God and getting closer to the dream. 

Q: How do you move on from your sinful past?

If the enemy can get you to believe his lies, he can get you to misunderstand your current identity and withdrawal from people. Don’t meditate on what you used to do. You are a new creation in Christ! Remember that there is power in your testimony, and it is nothing to be ashamed of anymore.

Q: How do you overcome a traumatic miscarriage?

Anytime you go through trauma, you will have a choice to make. You can adhere to the tragedy, or you can choose to fight the fight of faith. You can choose to identify with the trauma, or you can identify with who you are in Christ. You don’t have to deny your feelings, but you do have to acknowledge that you have a choice in how you move forward.

Q: How do you grow confidence in life and ministry?

Renew your mind with the word of God. Declare over your life. Don’t let the enemy try to steal your authority and talk you out of your faith.

Q: Should Christians celebrate Christmas with all the pagan traditions?

You can argue that some traditions may have pagan roots, but no one can change the position of my heart but me. I choose to use the traditions I enjoy to celebrate the birth of Christ, and no one can make it about anything other than Jesus unless I let them. This is an issue of personal convictions, not a sin that is explicitly mentioned in the Bible. When it comes to our personal convictions, we’re called to live in accordance with our convictions and live in unity with people whose convictions are different. (Romans 14:1-4)

Q: How do you eat healthily over the holidays?

I never made any health progress until it became a spiritual conviction. You can enjoy the holidays, but predetermine what you are going to do. Plan ahead so that you can stick with your convictions.

Q: How do you help your children navigate their body image?

Affirm to your children that they are perfect the way they are. Protect their circle. Help them create. Healthy lifestyle and teach them what that really means.

Q: How do you balance it all?

There are some seasons when you can’t give everything your full effort. Decide what you are going to give to each area and give it. Be okay with giving what you can! Sometimes that might mean it’s not as much as you might like to give, but it’s good enough.

joie miller