Evaluating Your Year

Have you spent time evaluating 2022? How you end one season is how you enter another. Even if 2022 didn’t go the way you wanted it to, that doesn’t mean it was a waste! God is a god of second chances, and he is always in the business of moving forward.

Your windshield is the biggest because you’re looking forward, and the rearview mirror is the smallest because you don’t drive in reverse. However, both are important!

When you look back, you give yourself the opportunity to remember what God has done. The Israelites did this repeatedly in the Old Testament, setting up memorials and festivals to celebrate what God did and pass on testimonies of his faithfulness to their children.

Here are two exercises you can do as we end 2022 to help you set yourself up for a great 2023!

  1. Think.

    Remember the times you believed in God and saw a breakthrough. Don’t forget his benefits, and don’t discount His daily provision. He has been with you this year more than you think, even in your darkest moments. As you think, pray and journal. Ask God to help you see moments when he was with you, even when you didn’t recognize it at the time.

  2. Move past thinking and start thanking.

    Thank God for everything that happened in 2022. Thank him that even in your trials, he sustained you, walked with you, and is working things for your good. Journal about the good things the Lord did and pray a prayer of thanksgiving!

joie miller