All Things Relationship- Part 2 of Q&A with Pastors Joie and Nathan

Relationships do not need to be complicated; get back to the basics! Where you started and what you did in those first moments as a couple will be the same principles you need to have in the 1st, 5th, and 50th year of marriage. Being grateful for our spouses, focusing not on the hardships but on having a perspective of faith, will not allow the negativity. 

Choose today to be a blessing to others and have a strong, happy Spirit-filled marriage. God intended our love to be shown through faith and affirmation, and those attributes are applied to our marriages. Sow where you want to go! 

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word “(Ephesians 5:25-26)

Keeping the spark alive in a marriage is essential! This can happen by knowing your spouse, studying them to understand their wants and needs, what can be harmful to them, and what can make them happiest! Approaching things in the relationship as a “we” and never a “me” mindset!

Nothing should be off-limits when it comes to communication. Learn to humble yourself, know the right timing to bring up more sensitive topics, and as always, approach it through love. Knowing your spouse on this level and pushing through topics will also create comfort in mutual submission to one another.  

God created this orderly system; Christ is the head of the marriage, and the man is the leader to the women. Society has turned the word submission upside down, with negative connotations, but God never intended for man to be the only voice in a marriage. Both men and women are to be operating in the marriage, and not one of their giftings can do it all! This wholeness together as men and women should reflect the same unity the Holy Trinity displays for us. 

For those in a season of singleness, the Lord will equip you with the wisdom to discern moving forward in your dating. Ensuring you are equally yoked, saved, and on the same path of pursuing the Lord is essential. Listing out the attributes you seek in your future spouse will bring clarity as you wait for the Lord to deliver your perfect match! 

As newlyweds, it is essential to get plugged into the house of the Lord, giving no room and space to get off track from a spiritual path and investing spiritually in the relationship, learning to adjust and change together to fulfill God's promises for your marriage and future family! 

1 Corinthians 16:14 “And do everything with love.” 


Rachel Lyons