
I grew up in the Catholic faith; however, I knew nothing of why I would get ashes put on my head or celebrate Lent each spring. As a former Catholic, now spirit-filled Christian, I thought I'd share a little about the Lenten Season. 

"All are from the dust and all to dust return" Ecclesiastes 3:20. Ash Wednesday is celebrated as the start of 46 days (40 excluding Sundays) of fasting leading up to Easter Sunday. These days are referred to as Lent. Some churches use ashes to symbolize mortality, that we will all die one day. The start of 40 days of fasting symbolizes penance for sins and recognition that we are sinners.

Though this sounds good, Jesus has already taken the punishment for our sins. (Romans 6:23)The Bible says that when we sin, we ask Jesus for forgiveness, and it is finished. Biblical fasting isn't a call to punish yourself for doing wrong all year long (and then giving up Starbucks or chocolate for 40 days). If an absence of coffee or chocolate could pay the penalty of sin, Jesus way overpaid on the cross. Fasting is about choosing God as your source of sustenance while pressing into His presence above any other fleshly appetite. It's not about works or punishment but about pursuit. So if you do celebrate Lent, let your time of fasting be a time of pursuit, not punishment or penance. Jesus already paid for your sins. Instead, pursue Him over the next 40 days with all your heart. 

Lent is a beautiful time of reflection leading into Easter. Ask yourself, do I know Him or only know about Him? It will be the best Lent season you've ever experienced!

Listen to Pastor Joie’s podcast on Lent for more details!

Rachel Lyons