What is Grace?

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It's by the grace of God that we are saved and can go to heaven (Ephesians 2:8), but how is grace in operation in our lives on a daily basis? 

Grace has become a buzz word in the Christian world. Many embrace a Gospel message where they use the word grace to cover undisciplined living or a cop out for choosing to do things they shouldn't do according to the Bible. The truth is grace is not meant to just keep you from going to hell. God's grace is empowerment to overcome sin daily and to walk and prosper in everything you are called to do! 

Grace empowers you to overcome sin! Through the grace of God, in demonstration to us through Jesus, we are no longer slaves to sin (Rom. 6:6)! We don't have to keep engaging in the same sin over and over again without hope of change. The grace of God through Jesus paid your way out! You are no longer slaves to sin but a child of God--full of grace to overcome temptation and live in righteousness through Jesus! 

The grace of God isn't just something there for us at salvation; there is a grace available for you to walk in each day! 

"The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning." Lamentations 3:23

There is enough God-given grace for you to walk in TODAY! Many times, we will reflect on the past or worry about the future, but there is fresh grace given to walk in today--not tomorrow and not yesterday.

God gives you grace to guide you through the “now” moments of life.  When we operate outside of His grace, we are either trying to change the past (which is impossible), or we are trying to control the future (which is also impossible).

There is a sufficient amount of grace for you that is new every day. Walk in it! Walking in grace empowers you to live a life above stress, anxiety, fear, and feeling overwhelmed. Grace brings peace and joy if you choose to engage in it!

The grace of God sees to it that your destiny is fulfilled! It is by grace through faith that we receive God's promises in our lives (Rom. 4:6)! By activating those promises through faith, we fulfill our divine destiny! Grace won't allow you to miss it! 

“He will equip you with all you need to do His will. May He produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to Him. All glory to Him for ever and ever!” Hebrews 13:21

This is good news to me! It is not my responsibility to produce the works God has for me, but it is God that equips me to carry out every good work! My responsibility is to seek God and obey what His word says, then God's grace in my life sees my destiny comes to fulfillment!

God never calls us to standards we can’t meet either in righteousness or service. Whatever standards He calls us to in scripture, He has given us the grace to carry out. Whatever work He has prepared for you to do, His grace will make a way for it to be accomplished in your life!

Look at your life--how has God equipped you to carry out His purposes through you?

Don't doubt yourself, but submit yourself to God, and His grace will be more than sufficient for you!

Live a life empowered by the gift of grace!

-xoxo Joie

Faithjoie miller