Fan Into Flame

For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For the spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:6-7

Does your life operate in cycles, phases, fads, and sprints?

Occasionally, I get the desire to become a 100% organic, all raw food health fanatic. I even throw in some exercise. Typically, this urge occurs as spring time and, of course, summer looms around the corner.

How often do you let the spiritual things in your life fall into a similar pattern? Maybe a difficulty in life--a breaking point--causes you to pursue God in a way that you never have before. Maybe the new year was a motivation to take God seriously, or you had an encounter with God at a church service, or you’ve seen growth through prayer and fasting caused a new hunger for God.

As time goes on, the Bible instructs us to fan into flame the gift of God on our lives. We have to continually stay connected to the Lord in order to grow in the things of the Spirit. The Spirit of God equips us with power, love, and self-discipline. Activate self-discipline in your life!

There is a point in your walk with God where you might not feel like making spiritual investments like praying, reading your Bible, or going to church. It's in those times that the flame within you will have the opportunity to grow dim. Don't fall prey to being led by how you feel.

If you are not activating the tools that God gave you, you will be drawing from a source that isn't being refueled. You may feel good for some time, but eventually, you'll wonder, "What happened to my fire?" Don't let inconvenience, distraction, or just plain lack of self-discipline extinguish your flame; if your desire for spiritual things seems to be waning, fan it back into flame!

If you continue to add fuel to a fire, it is one of the mightiest forces to try to contain! Not only does a well-fueled fire grow in power, but a wildfire spreads causing things around it to catch on fire themselves!

Live life in a way that you're not just constantly trying to add a little life to your embers by blowing on them, but you are a blazing fire full of life, destiny, and purpose! 

Make a decision today to never let the flame within you grow dim. Instead, continue to add fuel to what the Holy Spirit is doing in your life through walking in power, love, and self-discipline!

When you don't feel like investing into prayer, pray. When you don't feel like getting up to go to church, go! Don't forfeit what God wants to do in and through you!

Continue to fan the flame of God that was deposited in your life,  and your life will grow and prosper like never before! He who began the work in you will be faithful to complete it (Phil. 1:6); you just have to be willing to be a carrier of the fire. Guard and watch over what God has deposited your life in such a way that it only increases! 

-xoxo Joie

joie miller