Valentine's Day Date Ideas

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Valentine’s Day is one of those “love it or leave it” kind of holidays. For me, it has always been “love it”. In grade school, getting to pass out cute valentines and creating a “mailbox” for friends to give you one, was so much fun. Exchanging treats, being creative, chocolate, and the color pink—all of my favorite things wrapped into one holiday, what’s not to love?

Now that I am married with two kids, Valentine’s Day looks a little different, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyable. It can still be a fun holiday to celebrate with just your hubby or even the whole family. Whether you’re dating, married, have kids, or an empty nest, are a hopeless romantic or a last-minute card and candy gifter—I have a date night idea for you!


For the romantics:

Plan a date at the place you had your first date, got engaged, got married or a spot that is special to you. Take a picture in the same spot you took one the last time you were there and compare the two and talk about how much your relationship has grown.

Tip: Tell the venue you are returning customers for the occasion, they may do something special. Also, if you got married at a hotel, book a night for an extended date!


For something different:

Set a spending budget and withdraw cash for each of you in a set amount. Then, hop in the car and drive to a store or mall that would have items of interest to both of you (keep your budget in mind). Set a time limit and run! You have your set amount of money and time to find a gift for one another. After you make your purchases, go out to eat and exchange what you found.

Tip: You can make the gift serious or a gag gift, just make sure you decide beforehand. This is a great idea for those busy or last-minute couples.


For the family:

One word: chocolate. Go shop for your favorite snacks, melting chocolate, some food coloring, and decorations (ex. Sprinkles) and have fun covering the snacks in chocolate for a delicious dessert. Make or order a family favorite meal, then sit down with your homemade creations and watch a movie or play a game.

Tip: Make this a tradition, the kids will look forward to it every year. Some ideas for snacks to cover in chocolate: strawberries, pringles, pineapple, marshmallows, pretzels, bananas, oreos, potato chips, apples, cheesecake, donuts, and cherries. Have Fun!

Bonus idea:

If you’re in the Pittsburgh area, or have a Melting Pot near you, they have great deals for Valentine’s Day (check groupon). It’s a fondue restaurant where you cook every course in a fondue pot. Starting with cheese for appetizers, a broth for your main course, and of course chocolate for dessert.

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Guest Blogger- Shaila Clingan

Shaila Clingan has a passion for all things creative, from parties and decor to etiquette and activities . Although she has her Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Counseling and has always had a heart for the family unit, God put another calling on her life—to stay home and raise children. This opened doors for Shaila to start her own photography business, create wedding florals, and be a part of the Elle Ministries creative team at Champion Christian Center. Shaila is grateful for her hard-working husband, Jeff, who supports her dreams and encourages her creativity and for her two children Maverick & Cesina, who are her greatest motivators.

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Instagram: @shailarae_clingan

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