The Freedom of Discipline

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“ Do you not know that your bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

I not only take responsibility for my health, but for my family’s—especially my children. I am a stay-at-home mom, and what that means for us is that I take care of all the meals, send my husband off with prayer and healthy food, and teach my children the way they should go in the Lord.

How are we supposed to do what God has called us to do if we are always tired, sick, worried about what we look like, lacking confidence etc. Hebrews 12:11 says, “ No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening- it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.” Discipline is going to be a challenge, it is going to stretch you, it's going to be uncomfortable at times but once you get that consistency in being disciplined, it is life changing.


If you have enough discipline to schedule out your day the night before and wake up early to execute it, you will have the freedom to operate stress free in the morning and have time to accomplish what you need for the day. If you have the discipline to meal prep and exercise, you will have the freedom to hit your health and weight goals easier and feel better about yourself.

If you were more disciplined in eating healthy, what would that freedom look like to you? Would you be more confident and compare yourself to other people? More confident in being intimate with your spouse? Would your children be better off; more focused and alert with less sugar and more superfoods in their diets? It’s not about depriving yourself; it's about staying disciplined and consistent in eating clean. More fruits, veggies and less processed sugars. More healthy fats and less fried food. Physical and spiritual food changes help your mood, mental health, demeanor, and ultimately your entire life.

If we are disciplined in meditating on God’s word day and night (Joshua 1:8), we will have the freedom in living a prosperous and successful life. We will have freedom from thinking we are not enough—freedom from sickness, anxiety, depression; freedom from everything that God doesn’t have in store for his children. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

I thank the Lord every day that He is my healer and protector (Psalm 91). I anoint and pray over my children and husband that no sickness or disease can come on or near them, but I also do my part to feed myself and my family—both physically and spiritually—healthy food to ensure we are set up every day with the strength and energy we need to fulfill the call God has on our lives. We need to do our part in the natural so God can do His part in the supernatural.

As I make my home a dwelling place for the Lord, a home where God’s presence is welcomed at all times and a home of supernatural peace, joy, and strength, I will also do my job to fuel my physical body with what it needs to fulfill the call God has on my life and my family.

Make a change today and be obedient to what the Lord is telling you to do.

Stay disciplined.

Stay consistent.

God has so much in store for you this year! Say it with me, This will be my best year yet!

Guest Blogger-Melodie Schwesinger

Meldodie Schwesinger is a super mom of two. Her and her husband, Stephen, love being active, hosting parties in their home, and serving their local church in any way that they can. When Melodie isn’t chasing her adorable children, Manny and Amari around, she is leading anointed worship at Champion Christian Center. Melodie is passionate about moms living their best lives every day and being fully present in their homes.

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