This is my year of _______________

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What is this your year of?

Don’t wait for 2021 to tell you what it is going to be; set the course for the next year of your life by declaring God’s Word over it.

The Bible tells us to decree a thing and it will be established (Job 22:28). I don’t know about you, but I would rather tell my year how it is going to go than for it to tell me.

I’m a firm believer that, as a child of God, life doesn’t happen to me, but for me. That means that, even when it doesn’t look like things are working in my favor, if I continue to stand in faith and speak God’s Word, He will turn even the worst circumstance around for my good! My decision is a decision to stay in faith—to not be like the double minded man that we see in the book of James—but to be steadfast and unmoved.

We are to be women who walk by faith and not by sight. For some of us, 2020, in the natural, threw some pretty dirty punches, but I’m believing that there will be no residue of 2020 into my 2021. Even areas that appear to be as a loss this past year will be restored and turned around in the name of Jesus.

God takes everything that the enemy tries to use against us and turns it in our favor to propel us forward. That will be your story in 2021 if you make a decision to believe God’s Word! Believe it; then declare it! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!

Imagine if your mouth held the power for your greatest year yet? Well, it does! You set forth the course of your year—and your life— by your declarations. If there is an area of your life that is defining you rather than God’s Word defining it— speak to it! The power of life and death lies within your pearly whites, so start telling 2021 how its going to be!

This will truly be your best year yet because your path, my friend, only gets brighter and brighter!!


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Faithjoie miller