Finding God in All the Crazy


What a crazy time to be alive.

Just when we close out 2020, we enter the new year with a tidal wave of crazy. With all the chaos and instability in the world, the question remains— How do I find God in all of the crazy?

As Christians, often, we think we know how to write the script for God—you know what I mean—if God would just do things my way, then everything would be okay. The truth is that God is still sovereign. That means His ways are higher than my ways, and His thoughts are higher than my thoughts!

Think about John 11 for a minute. Martha and Mary—the one the Bible makes sure we understand is the same one who poured expensive oil over Jesus as an act of worship—are in a crisis. They need a miracle; not only do they need Jesus to heal their brother, Lazarus, who Jesus also loved, but they had an expectation of what His response would be. As the Bible reads, Jesus intentionally stayed back from going to them. He knew the urgency but He also knew what God’s plan was. Jesus wanted to reveal Himself in a greater way than healer. He wanted to reveal Himself as the One who could bring the dead to life!

So many times, Christians get rattled when things don’t go as they planned. I want to take a minute and talk about three ways you can lean into faith—even when you don’t understand.

  1. Even when you don’t understand, Trust in God’s Sovereignty
    Embrace the fact that while we walk with God— He is still God! He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the beginning and the end. The Bible says He establishes and tears down. When you embrace and trust the fact that He really does know what He’s doing, you’re not rattled. My part of the covenant isn’t to figure things out. My contribution is to stay in faith! Even when I don’t see it, He’s working. Not only is He working, but He’s working things out in my favor.

    So, Mary and Martha in John 11 had a decision to make. They could either be mad at Jesus for not showing up, or they could stay true to who they knew Him to be.
    The Bible says that Martha chose faith. She said, “ If you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.” Mary, hearing that Jesus had arrived, ran to Him!

  2. Even when you don’t understand, Trust in His Faithfulness
    Mary and Martha knew Jesus was able. Not only was He able to do miracles, but He would never let them down. Even though the circumstances weren’t playing out as they wanted they, knew that, “even now” He was showing up in power! Whatever it is that you may not understand, lean into God’s faithfulness. Think back on His track record. Give Him thanks for never letting you down— never leaving or forsaking you! Be assured that, He never has failed you and He never will!

    So, back to John 11, Martha not only leaned into Jesus being a faithful, but she trusted His character. Jesus even wept with them; think about that. Jesus, knowing Lazarus was going to live, was so moved by what his friends were going through that He wept. Jesus sees what you’re going through today. He sees the moments of frustration, anger, sadness. He sees it all, yet who He is compels us forward. Jesus tells Martha, “I AM the Resurrection & Life.” Our relationship with God is more than what He can do for us but about walking with Him.

  3. Even when you don’t understand, Trust His Character
    God is good, and all that He does is good! That means that even when I can’t understand, I know that it would be completely out of His character to harm or hurt one of His children. This brings so much comfort in times of uncertainty. When you feel uncertain, get into God’s Word. God’s character is revealed all throughout His Word. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word. Remind yourself of who God is: He is Good! He sees you right where you are, and He cares. He cares so much that, if you’re willing to choose faith, you will see even the most impossible circumstances work out in your favor!

    Lean into God in this season of uncertainty, He is with you and He is working on your behalf today!

joie miller