Becoming God's Best in the Season of Singleness

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In the world, there are temptations at our apps, DMs,  "Netflix and chill" and the surrounding stigma society has placed on what being single should look like.

As a Christian single, you may be feeling the challenge of this season to have joy and remain pure but we can find encouragement and instruction all through God's word. The Bible instructs us in Rom. 12:2 NLT, "Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect"

So, as faith filled daughters of Christ, we do not have to choose sadness, loneliness and stuffing a box of chocolates while crying to a romance movie as our portion, like the world suggests.  Singleness does not have to equal loneliness or sadness. I want to encourage you that being single has the potential to be the most beautiful and essential season of your life filled with overflowing joy and the opportunity to find your true identity and confidence in the Lord. 

What if I told you there is someone who is SO unconditionally in love with you, wants to know every part of you, the good, the bad, all your dreams and desires, is perfect in every way and does exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ask or imagine? You'd think that is too good to be true... but it is true, and His name is Jesus! There are 66  love letters written for you in God's Word that are waiting for you. Here you can find the truth that sets you free! Jesus is seeking relationship with you, He is our companion and comforter and is the only answer to being truly fulfilled and overflowing with pure love. 

I say this with compassion, and it is a harsh reality, but it’s important to understand—if God's love isn't enough for you, than no man's love will  be enough for you. The thing is, if we can't receive God's perfect love, we won't be able to receive man's imperfect love—yes, we are all human and fall short sometimes. If we aren't able to be in a place of complete fulfillment from our relationship with the Lord, then we certainly will not be able to receive full fulfillment from our earthly relationships. There is a God size hole in every heart that only He can fill and until we fully surrender to Him, live for Him, keep our eyes on Him and have true relationship with Him, that hole in our heart will keep us from properly giving AND receiving love the way it is intended. 

Matthew 6:33 AMP says, "But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His Kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right--the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also." Our instruction is to seek Him first, not second, not when it's convenient, not just when we want something. FIRST and THEN He will give us the desires of our heart. As we seek Him and grow in our relationship with the Lord, He will begin to prune us and also prepare us. He removes any characteristics that are not of Him, and it's our job to be obedient, humble ourselves, and make the changes. This will ultimately prepare us to become a strong, Godly, Proverbs 31 woman, so that when the time is right you will be ready and confident to step into a relationship. 

You may be in a place of frustration with being single, just waiting on the Lord, but 2 Peter 3:9 NLT says, “The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.” So God is always on time,  it’s not a matter of us “waiting” on the Lord, it’s a matter of us being a waiter unto the Lord, serving Him, becoming more like Him and through that, we become God’s best in the “waiting”.  

Ask the Lord to reveal areas within yourself that need healing or refinement. His Holy Spirit, working within us, will guide you through any insecurity, jealousy, anger, hurt, anything that isn't of Him, so that you can become the incredible woman He has called you to be!  Being single is less about finding someone to date and more about who you become along the way. Keep believing, keep praying, keep your eyes on Him, and you will Become God’s Best in the Season of Singleness! 

You Got This Girl!

Guest Blogger: Kourtney Leech

Kourney Leech is a 20-something makeup artist, micro-blading specialist, Jeep-loving girl!

While she loves all things girly and pretty, one of her favorite things to do is go mudding in her Lime Green Jeep and get outside and be adventurous!

If you have makeup or beauty questions, Kourtney is your girl! She loves to serve at her local church, hang out with her friends, and give back to her community!

Follow Kourtney

Instagram: Personal- @Kourtleech | Business: @blushandinkbeauty


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