Stick It Out

Do you find yourself wanting to quit often?

Let me encourage you that if you want to move forward in any area of your life, you have to learn to get sticky! What do I mean? You have to become a person who over rides the temptation to bail out when things get uncomfortable, boring, or even challenging. Getting sticky means that you become adhered to that which you are believing God for.

The word adhere means to stick fast to. To fasten yourself to something in a way that you become one with it. Too often people don’t see results in their lives because they consider the dreams and desires God has given them as options. The moment you adhere yourself to the promise and become resolved, is the moment you become unstoppable. There will always be exit ramps available to your dreams. The question is are you willing to cross over in your mind to where quitting is not an option? If you give your mind the option to quit when it gets hard, it will take that option! Studies have shown that the first area to quit in the human body isn’t actually in the physical capacity, but rather in the mental capacity. This means that, when you decide to quit or even start to allow doubts to sneak in, this is where things begin to unravel!  

Hebrews 12:1-3 says, “Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.”

You have a race to run! Whether that race is raising babies, being a godly wife, starting a ministry, becoming an entrepreneur--- it doesn’t matter. If God has called you to run, He will equip you with everything you need to finish your race--- if you don’t quit. The one thing that limits God is your will. He won’t make you keep running. Make a decision today to say goodbye to the option of quitting. If it feels hard today, know that you’re growing and stretching! You are actually moving forward! So, let’s get sticky and see how God works in and through us for His glory!

joie miller