In the Middle

What does being in the middle mean for you today? Maybe you are in the middle of believing for a miracle. Maybe you are in the middle of a stretching season. Maybe you are in the middle of what on the outside of a situation looks like a mess. Whatever your middle is today, remember that God is a God who is present. He has been in your past, seen your future, and is right there in the middle with you today! He is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last and everything in between. He is the God who, with one word, created the universe, yet actively watches over His Word over your life to see it come to pass! He is the God of the middle!

Three things to remember in the Middle

God is Good. It is impossible to separate Good from God. His goodness is expressed in everything He is, from His mercy and grace to His justness and majesty. The word good far transcends the basic meaning of what we as humans define as good and plummets deep past our understanding. I love the story of the three Hebrew boys who were threatened to be thrown into the fire in Daniel  3. Their response wasn’t “if God is good why is this happening?” Their response was “Even if you throw us into the fire, our God will save us.” Even if. Even if you are in the middle of something right now, you serve and even if God. He will not let your story end in defeat. His goodness is making a way for you today where there seems to be no way. He is giving you beauty for ashes and working all things together for your good—because He is GOOD! \

Revelation 22:13 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”

Everything begins and ends with His goodness. The nature of the Lord never changes, that means if it’s not good then it’s not over. Don’t be to quick to put a period in the story where God wants to put a comma.

God is at Work. Even when you can’t see it, God is at work! He is right in the middle of your story today. Think about Jairus’s daughter in Luke 8. Jairus was seeking a miracle, and by the time Jesus had arrived, his daughter had died. In the moment, it looked like defeat, but God was at work. Jesus showed up on the scene and Jairus’s prayer for healing turned into a much greater miracle—resurrection from the dead! God was at work in the middle of the situation! He is at work in the middle of your situation today too! Right in the middle of what you’re going through He is healer, provider, and redeemer! Not only is he Alpha and Omega, but He is everything in between!

God is always with you. He never leaves you or forsakes you. Whatever you are in the middle of, He is right there with you. The key is to stay in the grace that God has provided for you! In 2 Corinthians 12:9, God reminds Paul that whatever He is going through, His grace is sufficient. That means when you walk with God, there is a grace available for you to walk through any situation with supernatural joy, peace, and strength.

Even when you are in the middle, God’s grace empowers you to walk in victory!



joie miller