Homeschooling 101

I am by no means a “pro homeschooler” but I just started homeschooling my son Emmanuel (Manni)  this year (pre-k), and I love it! I had already planned on homeschooling my kids a few years back and finally got to start this year. No it’s not perfect everyday; it’s a lot of work, especially since I have a almost 2 year old and another baby due in a few weeks, but what I can tell you is that God has fully equipped me and graced me to do this efficiently, successfully, and with joy. I couldn’t be more blessed, grateful and privileged to take hand in teaching my son and other children, once they are of age, intellectually and most importantly spiritually through the school years. 

Here are some things that work for me during this season. 

1.) Be organized! I honestly don’t know how you could possibly homeschool without being organized. The curriculum I use, My Father’s World, is a very hands on Christian curriculum which required me to get a yearly supplies before I started. I have all supplies organized in one area of my home. Each week my curriculum gives me the lesson plan and what supplies I need. I will review it on Sunday (or Monday if I take Monday off), gather all my supplies I will need , review the week and each night I set up exactly what I need for the next day so it’s set up and ready for my son in the morning. 

2.) Widen your expectations and be realistic. My curriculum requires about 1 hour 5 days a week, but not every day looks the same. Some days my son wakes up early and he’s able to sit and get through his work in an hour before his sister, Amari, is up, and sometimes, we could be working on school work on and off all day with breaks in between. It depends on the work load for the day, activities, schedule etc. As long as I get it done before dinner, honestly, I’m happy. And my curriculum is set up so that working on my daily curriculum throughout the day makes it a very hands on, intentional day of learning for both of my children.

3.) Have a plan for younger kids (that’s not tv). I always set up an activity tray for my daughter, Amari, (sometimes similar to what my sons activity is for the day) next to his school work because she likes to be involved when I teach. Instead of trying to keep her away from his school work and getting frustrated or sitting her in front of the tv, I get her involved and set her up for success with an age appropriate activity that expands her mind and fine motor skills so I can get his work done and they can ultimately learn together. I also involve her in his projects, activities and field trips each week. Even though I am ultimately teaching Manni, having her involved teaches her, and makes it a more enjoyable and bonding experience for all of us together. 

4.) Change your mindset.  Don’t think that you HAVE to homeschool, be grateful you GET to! If you prayed about your decision to homeschool and you know the Lord has lead you to do so and you feel peace from the Holy Spirit, be confident in your decision and own it! The fact the Lord has entrusted you to teach your children and create a loving, encouraging, and spirit filled learning environment for your kids is amazing. God has already giving you the mind of Christ and the ability to succeed in everything you do, so be excited about it! 

“May he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. All glory to him forever and ever! Amen.” Hebrews‬ ‭13:21‬  

If He called you to it, He will equip you for it. 

5.) Wake up before your kids and get in God’s Word; pray and declare God’s word over your children for the day. This will ensure that your day will go much smoother. When you put God first, everything good will flow from that. 

6.) Make sure you have a plan (including meal planning and activities etc) for your entire day already planned and ready so you don’t have to think about a million things during the day in between school work. If you have a plan for everything and a schedule or general rhythm to follow throughout the day it will be less chaotic. 

7.) Be patient , be consistent, don’t give up and you will see the fruit. 

“You will enjoy the fruit of your labor. How joyful and prosperous you will be!” Psalms‬ ‭128:2‬ ‭

Don’t forget about what I said earlier: if you know that you are called to homeschool your children in a particular season, be confident in that and in the Lord. Stay focused and you will see good fruit from obeying the Lord’s instructions. Yes, some days may be hard, and honestly I skip some days and get Manni’s work done on a Saturday if I need to, and that’s okay! Don’t stress about it and give your child the breaks they need. I homeschool for a handful of reasons but remember it’s not “school”—you have the flexibility and your child does not have to sit there for hours. 

My curriculum schedules for a lot of breaks including outdoor play, projects, activities etc so it makes it easier to get through everything in order. But again, it may take the entire day on and off; and especially without tv, I know I spent that day being intentional, focused, engaged with my children, and we had a successful day of learning bonding and play. 

Remember, take one year at a time- this is what works for me and where I’m at right now and it will change year to year and season to season. Not matter what- -God has graced you for this!

Happy homeschooling 💕💕

Morning declarations before you start school:

(Have kids say) : 

  • I am strong in the Lord

  • I am smart

  • I have the wisdom of God

  • I can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives me strength

  • I have supernatural understanding and knowledge

  • Learning, understanding, reading and math come easy to me

  • I am ahead and NEVER behind in everything I do

  • I am a hard worker

  • I am productive

  • I obey my parents with love and respect and operate in unity with my entire family everyday

Guest Blogger-Melodie Schwesinger

Meldodie Schwesinger is a super mom of two. Her and her husband, Stephen, love being active, hosting parties in their home, and serving their local church in any way that they can. When Melodie isn’t chasing her adorable children, Manny and Amari around, she is leading anointed worship at Champion Christian Center. Melodie is passionate about moms living their best lives every day and being fully present in their homes.

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