
Many times, we think of a proud person as someone who is overly confident or arrogant. However, most of us are filled with pride and don’t even realize it!

Pride, simply stated, is putting our own abilities or inabilities before our faith in God’s ability. 

Pride can occur on either side of the spectrum. You can be so proud that you are convinced you have things completely under control and you don't need God, or you can be proud in the sense that you let your lack of ability define what you are capable of rather than acknowledging God's grace at work through you. This second type of pride is called false humility. 

False humility is thinking that you are so incapable of doing what God has asked you to do that you hide behind your inadequacy and fear of failure. False humility is actually pride. The Bible says it's in our greatest points of inadequacy where the Lord shows up strong in our lives; it's the point of realization that our abilities are insufficient where His grace becomes fully sufficient  (2 Corinthians 12:9-11).

*False humility will hold you back from walking in the destiny God has for your life! Fear of failing will stop you from stepping out into your divine purpose!

Pride masks our ability to conform to the image of Christ and walk in our identity fully aware of who He is - and fully aware of who we are in Him! 

Fear of failure is a demonstration of pride. Nobody likes the idea of failing; but when you realize that if God asked you to do something, it will be His grace that accomplishes it and not your own strength, then you are no longer afraid of failing but instead grow in faith that God will be made strong on your behalf.

" God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." James 4:6

True humility says, God I may be inadequate in myself, but with You at work in me I cannot fail! 

When you feel like you can accomplish something in your own strength, you get the glory. God doesn't ask us to do things we can do in ourselves. He asks us to do things that without Him are impossible; then, God alone receives the glory! 

So, whether you are so good at something that you don’t need to rely on God, or you feel like you are completely inadequate to fulfill God's plan in your life-- to the point of not even trying-- both are pride. Either way, you're relying on self instead of fully relying on Him!

Realize today that false humility is pride, and it will hold you back! You can do all things through God at work in you! Your life isn't about you. It's about the Kingdom!

Get over yourself and your fear of failing and step into your divine destiny. With Him, you can not fail! 

*For further reading check out the story of Gideon in Judges 6.

joie miller