Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Change the way you think and you’ll change your life. What if it was that simple? Well, it is.

Proverbs 23:7 reminds us, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” The way we think about ourselves sets the narrative for everything else. Gideon in Judges 3 had a thinking problem. In Judges 6, while hiding in a winepress pressing out wheat the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon. The angel called out Gideon as a mighty man of valor. Gideon had no idea who the angel was addressing. His response was basically, “you’ve got the wrong guy.” Gideon corrected the angel by stating all of the reasons Gideon was not a mighty man of valor. In verse 14, Gideon reasons that his clan is the least in Manasseh and he himself is the weakest in his family. God’s view of Gideon and Gideon’s view of himself were completely different. Gideon saw himself full of limits. His family wasn’t great; Gideon wasn’t anything special. God saw Gideon in the light of his potential. He saw Gideon as a mighty man of valor. Your inability to agree with how God sees you will be one of the greatest limits in your life.. and that limit is self-imposed. God reminded Gideon that He himself was with him to help him succeed. This should have given Gideon a huge confidence boost. The same God who gave Gideon a pep talk in the winepress is present to help you succeed. Your inabilities, lack of opportunity, wrong background, are not your greatest limit. You are your greatest limit!

Change the way you think about yourself and everything around you will change. Once your perspective shifts from least of, to empowered by God, your confidence level will soar. If you don’t believe in yourself, then who will?

God wants you to exude with confidence, not because of your own greatness-- but because of His greatness. Change the narrative that you give yourself. Stop beating yourself up or talking yourself down. Whatever God has called you to, He has anointed you for. Be fully confident in who God has created you to be. Just as Gideon tried to disqualify himself from greatness, your inner voice will aways try to disqualify you. Turn the volume down on the self-doubt and imposter syndrome and turn up the volume on being more than a conqueror. Allow God in you to redefine the thoughts you think about yourself. Dare to begin to believe the narrative that God has created you to live out! Change your thinking, change your life!

joie miller