I Am

“And God said to Moses, “I AM who I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” 14:3 Exodus

In His loving kindness, God gives us prophetic words at times, for a dream and a vision for us to put our hope and trust in when we can’t see how it will all come to pass. He gives us a glimpse of assurance to guide our future. This prophetic word is a gift. He doesn’t have to, but He does and to me, that is an amazing act of love. He is King and He need answer to no one, yet He does it anyway.

“For where there is no vision given the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18

It may seem like God is teasing us, setting us up for disappointment, or daggling a carrot in front of us. It can be frustrating in the waiting. It can be hard and discouraging becoming the person God needs us to be in order to fulfill and withstand all that He has prepared for us. We must not lose heart or become discouraged. That is the importance of standing on God’s prophetic word when it is given and trusting His character in these moments. When He gives us a prophetic word it is important not to take it lightly but to honor that Word which He speaks over our lives. Write it down and read it as often as needed. Hold on and hang in there. It’s a long road ahead, usually speaking. Just look in the Bible at Joseph, from the pit to the palace, and David, from a shepherd boy to becoming King. Don’t quit!

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

So, what does it look like to walk this out? Here are some insights and helpful tips along my journey. It was December 2019, we were in a church service when my husband Jeff, was given one of the most powerful and timely prophetic words. The person speaking had no idea what we were about to do. Jeff was 2 days away from leaving behind a 24-year career at a Fortune 500 company to launch his own company. This would be the biggest leap of faith and scariest act of obedience, to date. It seemed insane. We felt insane. But we both couldn’t deny the prompting of the Holy Ghost. It felt like we were jumping out of an airplane blindfolded. Here are a few of those prophetic words:

You think I AM going to lead you somewhere else and not bless you?

You think I AM going to take you somewhere else and not bless you?

You think I AM going to position you somewhere else and not bless you?

For I AM the LORD your God that teaches you to profit.

I lead you in the way you should go!

I have read this prophetic word over a hundred times. I have the entire prophetic word framed in our bedroom, at the office and I keep a copy in my Bible. When the pandemic hit in 2020, I read it almost weekly. Every time fear and doubt would try to come in, I would read it. It has been an anchor for my toughest days. If God gives you a prophetic word write it down because it’s going be something bigger than you, bigger than anything you can do on your own and you will need to remind yourself of God’s word spoken specific to you. I still have days that feel like we are free-falling blindfolded. I am still unsure at times of what we’re doing and where we are headed.

Fast forward to December 2022. It was time to sell our donut shop and work full-time with Jeff. Like so many aspects of life, I began the journey of doing things I’ve never done before and being stretched in ways I’ve never felt before. I was thrust once again out of my comfort zone and failing forward daily. Much like school, marriage, motherhood, or business, we’ve never done this before, and we have no idea what we’re doing. There is no manual. Failing forward is hard and being uncomfortable is hard at first. However, eventually you get used to it, and learn to embrace it. One day you wake up and realize you enjoy it. I don’t know the date that transition happened, but it happened. If I’m not being challenged, stretched, or uncomfortable I go find it.

Go find it!! I am confident that the I AM is leading us, taking us, positioning us and He teaches us along the way! And as long as we seek Him He will do it in whatever season you’re in. As Pastor Joie says “We are anointed to do hard things! This is how we do it!

Through the years of owning several businesses. In doing those hard things and feeling inadequate I would lean on the I AM. I would constantly play the song Oceans by Hillsong:

“You call me out upon the waters, the great unknown where my feet may fail, and there I find you in the mystery, in oceans deep my faith will stand.”

I’ve listened to this song countless times. I can’t tell you how many tears of frustration were shed listening to that song trusting His WORD as I tried my best to learn and do so many things I had never done before. It was there that the I AM showed up and met me time and time again. The Holy Spirit taught me just as He promises in His Word.

“Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, The Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you by the way you should go.” Isaiah 48:17

Last year I was learning so many new platforms for our business all at once. I felt like I was drinking from a water hose. I would read over that prophecy “I AM the LORD your God who teaches you to profit.” I would pray and ask Holy Spirit to teach me and He did! I spent many days trying to learn and grasp the “How To’s” of it all. When I would doubt my ability and capacity I would remember it is not me but the great I AM who lives inside of me. I can do all things through Christ, my grace is sufficient and literally fight through the day standing on these truths.

“Jesus said to him, “I Am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6

The more opportunities that He leads us to, the more dependent we are on the I AM! The larger the rooms He takes us in, the stronger our identity must be in the I AM. The positions He establishes for us, the more we must rely on the wisdom of the I AM. Each level bares more responsibility and weightiness which brings a new steadfastness to depend on the I AM that I AM!

“Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I Am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life.” John 8:12

My prayer is that you get a glimpse of what it looks like to practically navigate and see how to press into the anointing to do hard things. I share all this, so we realize we’re all human and there is no magic wand that makes it all happen. I pray that as you get a vision for your life, you will write it down. And be of good courage and take that leap of faith if that is what the Holy Spirit is leading. He may be prompting you to take a class, start a business, walk confidently in motherhood, or learn to have a great marriage. I pray that as you pursue and grow in what God has called you to do in this season you will push through the discomfort. I pray you will embrace a life full of stretching, learning, and growth and walk hand in hand with the I AM!

For I AM the LORD your God that teaches you to profit.

I lead you in the way you should go!

You can do this!

I love you,


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