Your Season of Comeback

Be honest with me. Did 2021 end the way you pictured? If not, don’t give up! The way you end one year is the way you will begin the next, and God wants to take you from victory to victory. God is not done with you, and there is still time to see the dreams he gave you come to pass.

One of my favorites stories in the Bible is in 1 Samuel 30. King David had been trying to win battles against other nations without consulting with the Lord, and he was paying for it. In his moment of despair, he turned the Lord and made a comeback, and you can too.

3. Keys to Making this Your Season of Comeback

1. Perspective

If you want to accomplish everything God planned for you in 2021, you have to change your perspective. Stop thinking that God has given up on you! Get your strength from God and trust that He is still working.

2. Plan

God will give you wisdom if you ask him! Psalm 32:8, God tells David, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” - Psalm 32:8 

3. An Overtaking Mentality

If you want this to be your season of comeback, you have to keep going, even when it looks like you are suffering a loss. Remember that your faith is like a title deed to all the promises of God, and like David, you will pursue, overtake, and recover all!

 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28

The Lord will tie up some loose ends by the end of 2021, but you have to take it. Don’t give up! If you stay focused and decisive, you will see God do miraculous things on your behalf.

Pray this: God, this year did not go the way I expected, but you knew exactly what would happen.I know that no matter what I have experienced, your goodness and plans for my life are the same. Today I am recommitting myself to those plans, and I’m going to run toward them for the rest of the year. God, give me wisdom to pursue your plans your way and with your strength. In Jesus’ name, amen!

joie miller