Anchor In

Have you ever wondered how to anchor your soul to Christ? In the natural, it’s easy to let your emotions lead you. When a relationship is struggling or you’re being treated unfairly at work, your natural tendency is to get angry and let that feeling guide your actions. That’s not the way Christ has called us to respond! The key to becoming a spiritually mature person is learning to allow your spirit to lead you. Anchoring into the Lord helps you produce a strong foundation where you can stand secure no matter what is going on around you.

  1. Stay anchored when trials come

    Trials are an opportunity to understand more of God’s character. When you’re facing a trial, don’t get stuck in your emotions. Get stuck in the Word! Find out what God has to say about your situation and trust Him. You already have the victory! Stay standing in a place of faith and you will see God operating on your behalf.

  2. Anchor into truth more than you anchor into reality.

    When Abraham heard God’s promise that He would have a son, he didn’t deny reality. Instead, he confronted the fact that in the natural, he and his wife were too old to have children. He chose to anchor into the truth of God’s promise more than his natural circumstance. In the end, he saw God’s promise come to pass!

  3. Anchor in despite your emotions.

    When you’re facing a trial, it’s natural to feel sad, angry, or any number of other emotions. The good news is that God has not given you a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and self-control. The next time you feel like your emotions are trying to overpower your faith, ask God to give you the self-control to deny your emotions and cling to His Word.

Pray this: Father God, thank you for giving us your perfect, trustworthy word. Help me to hold your Word and character in the highest esteem. As I become more spiritually mature, help me to see you at work in every situation and to choose faith over my natural emotions. I love you, and I know you have good plans for me. In Jesus’ name, amen!

joie miller