What are the Gifts of the Spirit?

Spiritual Gifts are given from God to people who believe in Him so that they can encourage and support the body of Christ. God does not reserve Spiritual Gifts for just a few special people. God created them for everyone! The Bible even tells us that we should desire the best gifts! Today I’m going to give you a brief explanation of the spiritual gifts and how you might see them in your own life.

Some people think that the Gifts of the Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit are the same things. However, the Fruit of the Spirit are the product of living a Godly life— they are characteristics that show that we are becoming more like God. You can read about them in Galatians 5. The Gifts of the Spirit, however, are a supernatural expression of the power of God.

  1. Word of Knowledge is omething you cannot know in your own understanding about a person. You might not hear an audible voice, but you could feel like a certain word or picture came into your mind. This could happen while you are praying or even during casual conversation. As you step out and ask about that thing or talk about it, the Lord will make it clear.

  2. A Word of wisdom is the ability to supernaturally apply the knowledge you already have.

  3. Prophecy is a message that encourages and gives hope. 1 corinthians 14:4 

  4. The gift of faith is like an extra level of faith. One example is when the Centurion in Matthew 8:5-13 told Jesus that he believed that Jesus could heal his servant without even going to his house.

  5. The Working of Miracles is a divine act God uses to reveal himself that could never happen on its own. Some examples are when Jesus turned the water into wine, God parted of the red sea, and the walls of Jericho fell down.

  6. Speaking in Tongues is God speaking through your spirit. You can know that you have this spiritual gift when you speak in languages you do not know. Once you have this gift, you can use it wherever you want and pray in the spirit and with your understanding.

  7. Interpretation of Tongues is when you can understand what you or another person are saying when speaking in tongues. The Gifts of the Spirit are for common good, so if no one understands what you’re saying, no one will be encouraged.

The first time you use one of the gifts, you may feel a little uncertain. Step out in faith! Allow God to teach you how to hear His voice. As you do, it will get easier to know when He is speaking…

Pray this: Father God, thank you for creating the fruit of the Spirit. Thank you for choosing me to be used by you. I want to see the supernatural in my life so that you will be glorified. Help me to understand when you are trying to use me. Give me confidence in what you are doing in each moment so that I don’t miss our on anything you want to do. In Jesus’ name, amen!

joie miller