The Mrs. Rev Podcast: In Focus

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Have you chosen your word for the year? Here’s mine: 


I was so excited to get my word, but then I paused and asked God, “Focus on what?”

Every one of us has a responsibility to focus because we all have influence over other people, whether you are a mom, a student, a volunteer, or a businesswoman. Your focus will determine your reality.

It’s one thing to have a goal, but it is another to focus on that goal and pursue it with everything you have. It takes self-discipline, but if you want to accomplish your goal, grow your character, or apply a spiritual principle, you will need to starve your distractions and feed your focus.

Q: Do you have a word of the year? Take some time to ask God what His vision for your year is! Some examples are: joy, productivity, simplicity, growth, etc.

3 benefits of living a focused life

1. You will become single-minded and stable.

“And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. … for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.” James 1:4, 6-8

If you are not focused, you will get distracted by all the other projects and commitments in your life. Choosing one area to focus on will help you accomplish whatever it is you set out to do this year.  Staying super focused will keep you from quitting, no matter what happens.

“Leaders concentrate single-mindedly on one thing: the most important thing, and they stay at it until it is complete.” Brian Tracy

Don’t start a million things then quit. And don’t give up or bail out on what God tells you to do. Fix your thoughts on the one thing that God is asking you to work on right now and ignore all the other distractions.

2. Focus produces faith

Think about the details involved in your goal. If you want to improve your character, which area do you want to work on? How will you measure your results? If you want to save money, how much do you want to save? Where will you put it? Why do you want to save? How will you feel when you accomplish your goal?

Your focus determines your reality. When you know what you are believing for, you can put your faith in action and ask God for it!

3. You will find your niche.

A niche is a specific thing that you’re really really really good at, and God has a specific niche for you! He has pre-designed, custom-fit works set aside for you.

When you become really focused on what other people are doing, you will miss your calling. Focus on celebrating your gifts and calling, not worrying about what other people’s callings. Focus on thriving in the areas you are good at and are part of your calling, not being like everyone else or trying to make your calling fit into what you or other people think it should look like. 

Q: What do you think your niche is? What are some of your gifts and talents? What do you enjoy doing? Often our niche is something that we both are good at and enjoy. If you’re not sure, ask some people around you what they think you are good at! Remember that your niche might be something you have never seen before. Don’t compare yourself to others, look to God for approval and direction!

Take your word mixed with my word, focus, and get the most out of it!

Don’t keep spinning your wheels. Focus on what it is that God has called you to do and take ground! Decide that you are going to look back and see that focusing on your word of the year took you closer to your calling and helped you make this year your banner year.

Pray this: Heavenly Father, thank you for making me unique and having a custom fit plan for me. My heart’s desire is to know you and to serve you. This year, point out one area that you want me to work on. Give me specific, step-by-step directions on how to improve, and as I improve, help me to move forward in my calling. Help me to stay focused. Take away every distraction. And most of all, help me to keep my eyes fixed on you. I love you. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

joie miller