Stopping the Blame Game

Everyone wants to find someone to blame when things go wrong, but placing blame will keep you from growing and progressing. Today, I want to talk to you about choosing victory over victimhood. When you choose victory, you will choose to be defined by the Lord, not by what others say about you, your trauma, or circumstances. You may feel like it is impossible to forgive or move on, but remember that if your situation is not good, it’s not over. God will bring beauty to ashes if you give Him the chance.

1. You are not what you’re labeled.

You are not defined or limited by your upbringing, body type, financial status, or any other label you can think of. If you take on these labels, you will put a lid on your capacity. God knew what you would go through and what your background would be, and He knew that you still have the capacity to thrive and fulfill the calling He has for you.

2. I’m not a victim.

You may go through terrible circumstances, but that does not make you a victim. You get to choose whether or not you want to receive victimhood as part of your identity. As a child of God, you get to choose to walk in victory over every situation. Think about the story of Joseph in Genesis. It would have been easy for Joseph to give up and feel like he was a victim to his brothers, Potiphar and his wife, and even the cupbearer who forgot about him. But Joseph never gave up. he kept moving forward and He held onto the promises of God. When the time was right, God promoted him and opened doors no man could shut, and He will do the same for you.

When you choose victory over victimhood, you choose faith.

3. Believe that God is working all things together for your good.

God is working out your story. He brings everything in your life together for a purpose. It’s not that God wants bad things to happen, but that He knows how to take something bad and write a good story out of it. When you believe this, you will be able to keep moving forward and choose victory regardless of your current situation.

Pray this: Father God, today I give you every hurt, label, and trauma I have faced. I surrender to you the identities they have given me and I take on my identity as a child of God. Show me any areas of my heart that need to be healed and help me to find wholeness. Show me how to be a victor and not a victim. I trust you with my story and my life. In Jesus’ name, amen!

joie miller