Small Changes Yield Big Results

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10

God has created each one of us for a specific purpose! There is no threshold that we cross over that tells us we have arrived at our purpose. However, you may ask, what is your purpose? We can begin learning our purpose by looking inward and understanding what we have dominion over. For many of us, that is our families and our homes. Finding a balance between creating good habits is pairing the natural with the supernatural. We must declare to God, “I am going to do my part, and as I do my part, You, Lord, will be faithful to do your part.” It can start with a very easy mantra and action plan; just do the little things well!                  

We must think about what we do daily to help maximize our potential. God gives us the seed in our spirit to have eyes of faith to see what God wants to do in our lives. This means that God has likely deposited something in our spirit to fulfill. We cannot allow ourselves to be discouraged by not seeing that seed come to harvest.

Set yourself up for success to fashion your life for fulfillment. Staying on the straight and narrow path for where God wants you to go will start and end with your daily habits. There is no quick fix, no overnight response- it has to happen every day, over and over, to create the long-term effects from these daily deposits. 

You can begin by sitting down and conversing with the Lord to find out what He has called you to do to create these healthy habits in your life. This time spent with the Lord is crucial to making deposits into your spirit; what is in your heart will come out in abundance through the Word paired with your actions. 

Just as good habits compound, bad habits do as well. Will you give in to the excuse, or will you start adding the little things to make the good outweigh the bad? Be prepared to get bored, doing the same things. But know that sowing these seeds is essential. It is not small or insignificant- it is needed to succeed!

joie miller