Mute the Gossip

The Bible is clear that God’s presence can only flow where there is unity. If we want to see God’s presence on display, we have to shut down gossip! Still, it’s easy to feel like you have a right to know what is going on in other people’s lives because of the way our society works. We have reality TV shows, influencers giving you up to the minute updates on their daily routine. But remember, what you see in the media is not real life!

You have the power to avoid gossip and to choose to put your old sinful nature to death. Today, I’ll be sharing why we gossip, the negative effects of gossip, and how you can recognize and shut down gossip before it causes any damage.

What does the Bible say about Gossip?

  • Gossip betrays confidence

  • Gossip stirs up conflict

  • Separates close friends.

  • Gossip Taints Your soul.

  • Fans the flames of quarrels

“Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

God calls us to stop gossip and speak peace in the situation.

God will hold you responsible for the furit in your life. That means that you are also accountable for what you say. Proverbs 10:19 says “Whoever restrains his lips is prudent.” That means that those who watch what they say are showing care for themselves and wifor others! By being prudent, you are choosing to honor and esteem other people over what feels good in the moment. Love doesn’t air other people’s weaknesses or celebrate their struggles. Love protects.

Questions you can ask yourself before you speak: 

  • Would I say it to her face?

  • Does it build up and encourage?

  • Does it show honor?

  • How would I feel if someone spoke about me like that?

If you see someone gossiping, redirect the conversation. Move the topic to something else. When you do, you will protect your heart, the person you were about to talk about, and the heart of the person who was trying to gossip to you. When you choose to honor others with your words, God will be able to use you in greater measure!

Pray this: Father, thank you for helping me to put to death my old nature. Help me develop a distaste for any form of gossip. Help me to quickly recognize it and run from it so that I can show love and honor to others. In Jesus’ name, amen!

joie miller