The Mrs. Rev Podcast: You can do it!

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As we approach the end of the first quarter of the year, it is a good time to reevaluate your goals. How much progress have you made? Are you on track to meet them? Or, are you starting to wonder if you can really achieve everything you set out to do? Maybe you were motivated in January, but now your situation feels harder than you were expecting.

Don’t let a temporary feeling talk you out of your goals! The Bible says, “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up” (Galatians 6:9). Continuing on even when you feel discouraged might require you to change your mindset. Remember, if you don’t change what you did from last year, this year will be no different.

Here are three lies you might be facing and how you can combat them.

1. It’s too hard. 

If the enemy can’t stop you from setting goals, he will try to make you feel like your goal is too far away; it’s too hard. Don’t let him discourage you! Stop looking at the space between where you are and where you want to be. Instead, look at how far you have come and the progress you are making every day. Stay consistent by moving toward your goals even when the motivation is gone.

2. You’re not able to do it.

The next thing the enemy will try to do is tell you that you do not have the skills necessary to reach your goals or there are too many obstacles. You aren’t smart enough, or talented enough, or you’ll never make enough money, etc.

Usually, when you think you can’t do something, the reality is that you won’t do it.

This is not meant to be discouraging, it’s empowering. If you are putting limits on yourself, you have the power to take them off. You are putting the limits on how smart, how talented, how much money you can make, etc.

Remember, God has given you the mind of Christ! (1 Corinthians 2:16) This means that we have the wisdom to figure out any obstacle. If God has called you to do something, He has given you the grace to do it. God does not want to leave you disappointed and with less. He wants to see you succeed and bring glory to Him. If you are feeling like you are not capable of accomplishing your goals, ask God for the wisdom to grow in those areas or find an alternative solution. He is with you!

3. If God wanted it to happen, it would have happened already.

This is a very dangerous lie. God has called us to carry out His will on the Earth. While He is backing us, we have a part to play. Are you doing your part to see your goals come to pass? There are things only God can do, and there are things that you can do and get the ball rolling.

Q: Is there an area where you are waiting for God to move but He is asking you to take the first step? Ask yourself, what can I do? Ex. If you have a financial goal, start by saving your money, even if it is just ten dollars at a time.

Pray this: Heavenly Father, thank you so much for giving me goals, dreams, and desires. I want to please you with everything that I do. Help me to never give up on my goals and to lean on you when I start to feel discouraged. Help me to take my concerns to you and to not let my mind fixate on worry. Show me what I can do to accomplish my dreams and help me to trust you to do what only you can do. I love you! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

joie miller