Mrs. Rev Podcast: Start Walking

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It’s finally 2020 and everyone is talking about setting goals for the new year. Sometimes we can make the mistake of believing that God’s plans are secret and unknowable. But 2 Corinthians 2:10 says “It was to us that God revealed these things by his Spirit. For His Spirit searches out everything and shows us God’s deep secrets.”

When we communicate with God, He reveals His plans to us.

“So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, ‘you have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” James 2:17-18

Setting goals helps us to action to our faith.

One practical way to set goals is to use the SMART goals method. Each letter in the word SMART represents one step to creating goals that you can actually achieve! Many people think that following the SMART goal method is only for people who are leaders, like business owners and CEOs. But really, the principles that help leaders succeed can be applied to any area of your life, whether it is running a business, raising children, or just staying on top of the laundry.

Specific - Be as specific as possible about what you want to achieve.

Measurable - Create a way to tell if you are on track to reach your goal. For example, if you want to lose weight, choose a specific number. If you want to read books, choose how many books you want to read.

Attainable - Challenge yourself, but make sure that you can reasonably achieve your goal. Attach your faith to your goals, but don’t set them so far out of reach that you are tempted to give up before you even begin. For example, if you want to earn a million dollars, but you only make 60k/year, it’s impossible. Choose a goal that you can stick to and achieve.

Reasonable - Choose goals that fit in line with your priorities so that you know that you can realistically attain them.

Timely - Put deadlines on your goals so that you can tell if you are on track to reach them and make adjustments.

Q: Think about the areas of frustration in your life. What do you want to see change? Choose 3-5 goals that will help alleviate those stresses and apply the SMART goal framework to them and put feet to your faith!

Vision is like a train track that keeps you moving in the right direction. Stop living a life where you are just spinning in circles and start making progress toward what God has called you to do.

Pray it out: Father, thank you once again for the plans that you have for me. Help me to go beyond my natural thinking and create goals that are in line with your plans for me and will help me grow into the woman you want me to be. Thank you for giving me your joy and your peace that will help me not only make goals but also achieve them. God, I open my spirit to be encouraged by you and I speak against any spirit of fear or discouragement. I am a child of God and I am ready to make 2020 my best year yet, in Jesus’ name!

joie miller