Finding God in all the crazy

Did 2020 feel you leaving a little…disappointed? We prayed for so much, but it still seems like everything is in upheaval. The challenge to our faith is between what God is doing versus what we think he should be doing. As Christians, we can’t lose faith even when we don’t understand what’s happening!

No matter what it looks like around you, don’t lose your focus on Jesus.

In the natural, it is easy to be rattled and question what God is doing and whether or not he really hears us. But as a child of God, we are not easily rattled. We’re not shaken. Our faith doesn’t stand on what we see, it stands on God’s word.

Not sure if you believe me? Read John 11:1-44, and listen to the full podcast here to see what Mary and the disciples did when Lazarus died.

In this episode, I talk about three principles that will help you connect with God when the world seems out of control.

  1. Trust His Divinity

  2. Trust His Faithfulness

  3. Trust His’s Goodness

Pray this: God, I trust you. I trust you with my whole life. I trust you with every thought, emotion, goal, and circumstance. When I look back on my life, I see your faithfulness. I know that every plan you have for me is good. Help me to keep my thoughts focused on you. I refuse to allow the Devil to steal my joy and peace. I love you, Lord! Amen.

joie miller