2021: By Invitation Only

If this is going to be your best year yet, there are some attitudes, mindsets, and relationships that cannot go with you into 2021!

Fear? - Not invited.

Anxiety? - Not invited.

Comparison? - Not invited!

When you stop inviting these things into your life, you will not only feel freedom but you will also become more like Christ and more ready to fulfill His calling on your life.

When you sense that God is doing something new, it is going to require something new of you. Your capacity and your character have to develop in order for you to do what God has called you to. Look at the story of Jacob in Genesis 32. Jacob had to grow his character before God would bless him!

Ask: What is attitude or habit you feel like the Lord is asking you to leave in 2020? Read Ephesians 4:17-32 and ask the Holy Spirit to show you if you have been allowing anything in your life that does not belong there. There is no condemnation! Today is a new day, and the Holy Spirit will lead you gently.

Make sure you tune in to listen to the full episode now on iTunes, Spotify, or Google Podcasts!

Pray this: Father God, I want to be more like you. Help me to identify the feelings, patterns, and relationships that have been stopping me from fully following your plan for my life. This year I am committing to not only do what you have called me to do, but to grow into the person you’ve called me to be. I’m thankful for your love and the guidance of your Holy Spirit. I love you Lord, Amen!

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