Everyday tip: Five kids equals A LOT of laundry. One thing I do EVERY DAY is wash, dry, fold, and put away ONE load of laundry. This keeps me from drowning in dirty clothes and dreading laundry day!

It's 5:00 am, and the alarm is going off. I reach for the snooze but realize, if I hit it, there is a costly price to pay. My whole day will be thrown off by 20 minutes. 20 minutes--I don't have 20 minutes to spare.  

I get up, and we are off to the races! Five kids up, fed, dressed, lunches packed, prayed over, and out the door they go. It is now quiet. I have a window to spend time reading and praying, cleaning up the house, throwing a load of laundry in, and getting out the door myself. 

I used to get frustrated by the every day--the things that seem so monotonous. I remember feeling like a race horse behind a starting gate--ready to go out and change the world yet being bogged down by the mundane.

Once you have an understanding of God's purpose to use you in the earth, there is a strange tension that exists between wanting to become the next apostle Paul by shaking the nation with the gospel and feeling like the maid and personal chef that has been assigned exclusively to your family. The truth is this: it's not one or the other! God wants to be a part of your everyday! Many times, we are waiting for some extravagant third heaven experience before we can start executing God's purposes in our lives. God's purpose fulfilled in you starts today! 

God's desire is for your everyday life to be supernatural. What do I mean? Living a supernatural life isn't void of natural responsibilities. Babies need fed, toilets need cleaned, and dinner needs to be made. It's developing your spiritual life in a way that you are led by Holy Spirit all throughout your day.  

Many times, it's been while I'm doing my daily responsibilities that God has dropped a word into my heart or has given me direction. Listen to a good sermon or teaching while you're putting away laundry; listen to worship music while you're cleaning your house. Use every moment that you have to develop your spirit man--the part of you that is spirit led. When you develop your spirit, your whole day can be supernatural! A spirit led person is ready to be used anywhere and everywhere. God's spirit will breathe life into every aspect of your life!

God isn't waiting until all of your kids are grown to use you; He doesn't want to wait until you have a "ministry"  to activate your gifts and callings. The enemy would love to have you make a thousand good excuses as to why you're not able to start fulfilling God's purpose for you.

Living life so consumed with the natural and not making time for the supernatural will make you depressed really fast! Don't put off what God has asked you today to an allusive tomorrow. If you're not careful, your tomorrow will turn into never. If you are unclear about what God's purpose for you is, it's clear in scripture--To know your God  and do great exploits in his name ( Dan 11:32); To go out and make disciples of all nations (Mt 28:19). These are clear instructions to you as a believer in Christ.

Now that you know your purpose, ask God, "how can I do these things in my today?" Use me today at work, at the grocery store,  or in the life of a friend. Today is the day to begin being led by the spirit all day long! When you realize that God's supernatural wants to collide with your natural, you steward your life differently. You have invested in your spiritual life in a way that your faith bleeds into your every day. You will see your giftings and callings being used daily!

My prayer for you today is that you will no longer wait to step into your divine destiny; that you will activate your gifts and callings today and steward every aspect of your life for kingdom purposes!

God wants to use you in your TODAY!

joie miller