Breaking Molds & Taking Ground

“ Admire someone else’s gifting without questioning your own.”

We've adopted a saying in our house, "Just because somebody is doesn't mean that you're not." Is that even proper English?

Anyway, for a while, whenever I would compliment one of my children, I noticed the others would become jealous and insecure. Their focus would immediately go to themselves saying things like, " I am too," or "Mom, you don't think I'm as good as they are," or the worst, "Mom, you love them more."  

Often, that is the way we approach God. We completely overlook what we are and focus on what we're not! If we see someone doing something great, we take a secret inventory to see how we measure up! God actually values your individuality!

God will not hold you accountable for His plan for someone else; He will only hold you accountable for what He has asked and equipped you to do.  Often, we can overlook our own gifts and talents because they come so easily to us, while we covet the strengths of someone else! The enemy would love for you to get so caught up trying to be someone else that you completely miss out on your destiny! God doesn't make replicas; there's one you for one purpose!

" We don't dare say that we are as wonderful as these other men who tell you how important they are! But they are only comparing themselves with each other, using themselves as the standard of measurement. How ignorant!" -2 Corinthians 10:12

Measuring yourself--comparing and classifying yourself to others--only puts you in a place of constant frustration. Measure yourself by God's standard only--by what He's asked and called you to do. Allow others to encourage and inspire you, but don't use them as your measuring stick! 

"Now when David had served God's purposes in his generation, he fell asleep."- Acts 13:36

If you are breathing right now, God has a purpose for you to fulfill. Stop focusing on what you're not and start using what's in your hand! Recognize, develop, and become the best at what you are good at!

I am a pastor's wife, and all pastor's wives sing and play the piano, right? Wrong! I used to think because I couldn't play the piano or carry a tune--or wasn't even raised going to church regularly--I wasn't properly equipped to fulfill my calling, but God equipped me to serve and glorify Him in different ways.

If you are in the ministry, don't think you have to fit into a mold that you weren't made for. By all means, be a Godly woman full of the Holy Ghost, but don't feel like you have to conform.  Trying to conform to a mold that was not made for you will leave you depressed and cause you to despise your calling. God made you the way you are because there is a purpose that only someone exactly like you can fulfill! God wants to use every aspect of who you are for His glory. Break new barriers and take new ground by simply being you! 

Be encouraged today that God made you, and He enjoys who you are! Steward that for His Kingdom. Don't get caught up in what you're not!

Remember, somebody is looking to you to break molds and take new ground--ground that only you were created to take! Celebrate how God made you today, and yield to the fact that you are fearfully and wonderfully made! Remember, "just because somebody is doesn't mean you're not!"



Breaking Molds & Taking ground

“Admire someone else’s gifting without questioning your own.”

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