“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” — Prov 23:7

What do you think about yourself? A loaded question, right?

I mean, you know the good, the bad, and the ugly about your thoughts, intentions, and past. You know the desires of your heart and the ambitions of the person you wish to be. You know your strengths and your weaknesses. So, in light of all of that, what do you think about yourself? 

The other day, I was playing with my kids, and my five year old started talking baby talk. I asked her why she was talking like a baby, and she said, " Because I am the baby." She is my youngest, but she is no longer a baby. Then, I remembered that I have told her so many times in the past month, "You're my baby! Don't grow up," that she started acting like one again!

How you view yourself is what will manifest in your life. Another way to say this is, whatever you magnify about yourself will grow in your life. There are many things that we could choose to magnify about our imperfections and inabilities, but is that what we want to continue to grow? 

A study was done and proved that whatever your mind meditates on, your body conforms to. For example, if you are constantly saying how old you feel, your body will age more quickly. If you constantly say you're fat, your body will begin to hold fat. If you constantly say you don't feel good, your body will respond and become sick. Crazy, right? What you choose to meditate on will define you!


The Bible says to think about what is pure and lovely and true--think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise (Phil 4:8). What are the things about you that are praiseworthy? What things about you are that are true according to God's Word? Think and meditate on those things!

Catch a glimpse of who God says you are and meditate on that alone, and those things will begin to grow in your life! Whenever you start to be hard on yourself or when the enemy comes to condemn you and tell you a million reasons why you aren't good enough, smart enough, spiritual enough, take those thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ and who He says you are! Renew your mind with God's truth until you actually believe that you are who the Bible says you are! 

Remember, you are the redeemed of the Lord. You are fully equipped and fully empowered. You are God's masterpiece. You are loved beyond measure. You are more than a conqueror. You are anointed to do hard things. You are above and never beneath. You are significant, lovely, and have the mind of Christ! 

Catch a revelation of who you are in the reflection of God's Word and operate only from that place! Meditate on that, and see what manifests in your world!


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