You Matter

Have you ever felt as if what you do is insignificant? There can be moments in the daily grind where you stop to think, does what I do really matter? The answer is, yes it matters. There is no such thing as an insignificant person or an insignificant purpose. If you have life, you have purpose and that purpose matters.

Often, we can get misled into believing that unless what we are doing is big, we have no contribution. The truth is that even those people we consider as “big” impact makers aren’t that big in the scope of the entire world. In fact, Time Magazine released a list of the most influential people in 2023 in every area from sports, and actors to science and politics. From the one hundred names listed, you and I would most likely only recognize a handful of them. Some of the most influential people aren’t the most famous, but the ones who are known by those who have been impacted by their life, love, and purpose in even the smallest ways. The lunch lady who took time to ask if a child was ok. The coach who believed in a young athlete, the mom who makes dinner every night while juggling a job. Life and using your gift isn’t about reaching the masses as much as it is about impacting the one while being obedient to the Lord.

The apostle Paul wrote in the book of Philippians 3:14, “ I press on to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” The prize Paul was talking about was to be obedient to the purpose that God had given him. Just like Paul, our goal or significance should be measured according to the task God has put in front of us. Whatever purpose God currently has you serving, do it well for the King. Do it with all of your heart. If He has you cleaning, be the best at cleaning. If He has you in business, learn and refine your skills to be the best that you can be. If you are a mom, devote yourself fully to that season of your life. Regard the task before you as holy and as precious to God. You may not recognize the purpose or significance in it, but He does and so do the people who are benefitting from you serving God through even the tiniest task. Be faithful with even in the smallest purpose and God will give you more. Be faithful in the season you are in and God will bring much fruit from it! Keep pressing on to the goal, keep impacting people, and keep living like what you do has an eternal impact—because it does!

So, what does that mean for you? Does that mean that you change your perspective to one that has fresh gratitude for what you are called to do today? Maybe you have fresh excitement about the small season that you are in. I pray you feel encouraged by the Lord that your contribution matters more than you think! Do the small things like they are big things, and God will do the big things in your life as though they were small things!

joie miller