What's Your Word?
Wow, how is it even 2024? It feels like I blinked and 2023 was over. While God did so many amazing things this past year, my heart can’t help but get excited about what is on the horizon. Isn’t that one of the best things about serving God? No matter what yesterday looked like (the best or the worst) you can be sure that today marks the beginning of the better & brighter! The Bible says that the path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter! (Prov 4:18)
A huge part of expecting the best in 2024 comes from taking time to perceive what God wants to do in your life this year. I always begin the year by asking God for a word or phrase to act as a banner over my year. I allow God to define a theme that will act almost as a compass, directing and leading me down paths that will be the most fruitful and beneficial to me in every area. The truth is that above and beyond what I feel I need this year—or even want—He is the one who knows best. When I ask Him, I am inviting Him to give me the best year that I could possibly have. Best is defined differently for each of us. My best may be defined by a completely different work that God does in my life this year than any year before. Best in your life could be a word like restoration, healing, joy, intention, or freedom. Whatever your banner word is, God wants to reveal it to you. Once He does, write it down. Allow that word to be on the forefront of your heart all year long. As you are intentional about it, you will recognize the fruitful work that God is doing in your life all year long!
Here are some steps I take to discern what word God wants to give me for the year, maybe they will be helpful to you too!
1. Reflect: What did this last year bring? What are the things that you want to do more of or less of this coming year?
What are the things you need to start and the things you need to stop in 2024? Just because something worked or didn’t work this past year doesn’t mean you should continue with it.
Who is the truest version of who you want to be concluding this year? Make a list of some qualities that exemplify this person.
What aspects of your life left you the most frustrated in 2023 and what aspects filled your heart with passion and excitement?
Take a few moments of gratitude for what God did in 2023.
2. Pray & Perceive: What is God speaking to you through prayer?
Quiet yourself before Him. Ask Him to speak to your heart. God will begin impressing different feelings upon you. Write them down! He will even bring different words to your heart. Don’t overcomplicate what He is trying to say, just feel it and receive it.
His voice is always in alignment with His word. This is always a safe way to measure if you are hearing from Him. As long as conceptually it aligns with the attributes of who He is and the life He has called us to through His spirit and His word—you can trust it.
God also leads us by His peace. Even in moments where our flesh or emotions may not like what we hear, there is always peace that accompanies His voice!
3. Write it down: take time to journal. Writing brings clarity and definition to what we feel or sense in our spirit. Write down any words, phrases, or scriptures that God brings to your spirit.
Once you take some time to write, go back and read. What are the common themes? You will begin to recognize a word or phrase that stands out to you!
4. Define: What would your life look like at the end of 2024 if you lived that word out? Like what would it really look like? Imagine it. Meditate on it! Receive the work God wants to do in your life this year!
5. Plan: What action steps can you begin taking this year to see this word come to pass? Maybe it’s to be intentional in relationships—call a friend, or write a note. Maybe it’s faith—begin jotting down declarations. Whatever it is, look for ways to implement action!
6. Remind: Remind yourself of that word all year! Write it down in your bible, put it on your mirror, and let it be the banner over your life in 2024. Allow the directive of the Lord to guide you in your priorities, decisions, and growth!
Whatever your word is for the year, I know that He who begins the work will bring it to completion! Blessings for your best year yet!