I'm Not What I Feel

What personality type are you? I feel like I am asked this question of self-awareness often. There has been an Enneagram craze that leaves everyone analyzing the behaviors of one another based on this personality quiz. No matter what personality type you are or what quiz you have taken, self-awareness is a benefit that will serve you in many areas of your life. Self-analysis should always cause you to be a better version of yourself. God created us each unique and different. Romans 12:6 says it best, “Let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other’s or trying to be something we aren’t.” 

Awareness of your personality, your strengths and your growth areas help to celebrate the person God fashioned you to be. Self-awareness, not self-condemnation, is a good thing; it’s a sign of growth! Awareness always offers growth; condemnation makes you feel hopeless. Becoming self-aware always works best when it's in cooperation with a relationship with God, your creator. 

God fashioned and created you, He knit you together in your mother’s womb. He knows your personality, your upbringing, life experiences- He knows it all! Every part of you that contributes to who you are today, He sees. The beautiful thing about a relationship with God is He will use my strengths and give me the grace to overcome my weakness. When I understand this, I can celebrate me. Self-awareness begins with first seeing yourself how God sees you, and then looking at how others perceive you. A personality test is a great starting point to understanding how God created you to fulfill a purpose. He made some of us more sensitive and compassionate, and others more goal oriented. Some of us are peacemakers, and others need to be heard. However, He created you; know that it was on purpose! The moment you become aware of that you stop comparing. Being aware of you, allows you to connect who you are with your God ordained purpose instead of trying to be someone else. Your awareness and love for yourself puts you on a fast track to enjoy who God has created you to be. 

The same God who created you will also refine you. I remember almost looking at my personality as a box; thinking “I will always respond like that because it’s just how I am.”

Self-awareness, while highlighting the good, also allows you to see blind spots that could potentially slow you down or trip you up. Any personality test will highlight your strengths and give insight into potential weaknesses. These weaknesses are often the human side of us that needs refined. The important thing is not to wear your weakness as a label. Be aware and ask the Holy Spirit to help you in areas of weakness. Colossians talks about “taking off” the old self and “putting on” the new. If you have a relationship with God, you're not trapped by your personality. You are ever becoming more like Him. His spirit living inside of you empowers you to be able to overcome any potential weakness or pitfall such as anger, being melancholy, or withdrawn. He gives us love, joy, peace, righteousness, and self-control! 

Self-awareness helps with relationships. Being aware that not everyone looks at things the same way will dramatically cause you to value and honor the people around you. Self-awareness helps in relationships with friends, family, and co-workers. Asking yourself questions  helps in keeping an awareness that stimulates growth in you. For example, if you hear that somebody has a problem with you or if there is a recurring issue in a relationship, it’s good to take self-inventory. Not self-condemnation where you think you automatically just owe everyone an apology, but self-reflection. Questions like, could I have been misunderstood? How do things look from the other person’s perspective? How could I have done better in this situation. These questions, coupled with the Holy Spirit at work in you, help you to grow. 

So, what is your personality type? What are your strengths and growth areas? How can God continue to use you, refine you, and see you grow into the best version of you? 

Questions you can ask yourself for self-awareness:

  1. What do people celebrate about me?

  2. What do people come to me for?

  3. What are words that I would use to describe myself?

  4. What are words that others use to describe me?

  5. What does God say about me?

  6. What are most of my arguments with people related to?

  7. If I were honest with myself, what areas could I grow in?

  8. What does the best version of myself look like?

If you want to study this topic a little deeper, here are some fun resources:

  1. Free enneagram test

  2. The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery by Ian Morgan Cron

  3. Typology podcast by Ian Morgan Cron

  4. Instagram @enneagramandcoffee


I am Chosen. - I am God’s masterpiece created on purpose with good works to walk in.

I am Enough. - Everything I need to be can be found in Him.

I am Love. - God’s love operates through me to reach the world around me.

I am Beautiful. - I am knit together by my Maker intricately.

I am Loved. - In my weakness He is strong, working in me to refine me, and yet He still loves me as I am.

joie miller