I don't have a Problem---YOU have a Problem

I don’t have a problem- you have a problem.

I know right?

Why is it that we are often the last ones to realize there may be an issue or two that has crept into our lives that we need to deal with? Here’s the thing, you don’t have to live with issues! You don’t have to have a life filled with drama and problems.

Jesus said, in John 10:10, that He came that we may have life and life to the fullest. Your new life in Jesus can be issue free! Does that mean that you will never have to deal with situations and circumstances that are unpleasant? No, but those things don’t have the ability to get on you and affect you unless you let them. Jesus said that in this world we would have trouble, but to take heart for He has overcome the world. There is no issue that is too big for Jesus! So, with that being said, it’s time to resolve some issues!

When I say the word issue, it reminds me of the woman in the Bible who had the issue (or problem) of blood. The Bible says that blood had been flowing from her body for 12 years. She had been troubled with this issue for over a decade. The Bible tells us that she was beyond help—even the doctors had given up. It would certainly have been easy for this woman to let this issue discourage her or even to define her. But, she heard about Jesus. Not only did she hear about Him, but she resolved that, if she could just touch the hem of His garment, her issue would be resolved! Before this woman’s issue could be resolved, she had to become resolved that she wasn’t going to let this problem continue to dictate her life. If you let your issues, they will try to redefine who you are and even begin to direct your life. What starts out as a small problem for you—whether it’s health related, financial, or even a matter of the heart like a simple offense—if left unchecked, it will start to consume you until its all you think or talk about. An unresolved issue is like bad breath—usually you’re the last one to know you have it. So how do you know if a problem has crossed over to become an issue? Here are some questions you can ask yourself..

1) Is there an area of my life that seems to consume me, or wear me down?
The Bible says to come to Jesus all who are weary; His yoke is easy and His burden is light. That means you can be going through something and still not let it define you or rob you of your peace and joy. The woman in Matthew 9 resolved that she wasn’t going to let doctors reports or even the daunting symptoms in her body burden her to the point of despair. She resolved to be whole. This is a decision that we all have to come to when dealing with our issues. Are we going through or camping out? The enemy loves when we camp out in despair and negativity. We can either loath in self pity or desire to be well—even if your circumstances haven’t yet lined up with what we are believing for! Sometimes we need to shake off the funk and start moving forward in faith., Funk and faith can’t coexist! Look at verse 21 of Matthew 9: “she said to herself”—I love this! She controlled her thoughts and brought them out of funk and into faith. Even amidst negativity, she told herself, if she could just get to Jesus, she would be healed—- she chose faith!

2) Are you accidentally siding with your problem and growing it into an issue?

Be careful not to side with your issues. When you meditate on the negative (even if it’s legitimate), you are only giving it more space to grow in your mind, and then, before you know, it that issues is consuming you. What you meditate on grows. A small problem given too much space to grow becomes an issue. Something that may even start small becomes big! Before you know it, that issue will take root in you and start to come out of your mouth through negative talk. You know that friend that always talks about the same issue.
Speak faith over your situations, think good thoughts—what is pure, true, lovely—think about those things and speak life. Call the things that aren’t as thought they are!

No matter what issues you are facing today—big or little—nothing is too hard for Jesus.

Just like the woman with the issue of blood had a problem flowing from her, Jesus also has a flow from Him—power. When your issues meet His power all is made whole!

-xoxo Joie

Faithjoie miller