Grace for Three

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This time last year my husband and I were thrilled to learn I was pregnant with our second child. At our 8-week checkup, we got to see the baby for the first time via ultrasound and, at 12 weeks, hear their heartbeat. Everything looked and sounded great and was going according to plan. I remember declaring God’s promises over our baby and praying that their life would reflect God’s faithfulness on the way to our 20-week anatomy scan. When the ultrasound image appeared that day, something seemed off, which was confirmed when the technician muttered “umm” and hurriedly turned off the screen. We looked at each other, then at her, and she asked, “Did you know you are having twins?” Judging by our reactions, she quickly figured out that we, in fact, did not. Surprise! 

In that instant, everything changed. We walked out of that appointment with our heads spinning. Our sense of preparedness and knowing what to expect dissolved into a mix of shock, excitement, and uncertainty. On a practical level, we started listing out all the things we’d now need to do to get ready for two babies in only half the amount of time. We thought about all the things we’d need to buy- another crib, double stroller, car seat, a bigger car since our son was only two and my car couldn’t accommodate three car seats. From a pregnancy perspective, my OB explained the differences we could expect this time around. Since twin pregnancy is higher risk, I’d need more supplements/medications and numerous additional appointments- ultrasounds every two weeks, non-stress tests twice a week starting at 32 weeks, fetal EKG, etc.- to closely monitor the babies’ health. All that to say, the feeling of overwhelm was real.

Here’s the thing, though. While our plans may have changed, God’s had not. Everything we needed was provided, whether through other’s generosity or opportunities for our financial increase. The pregnancy, while physically difficult, progressed without complication. Our prayers regarding delivery, which at times was scary, were answered. Each milestone moment was evidence of God’s faithfulness, and I reflected on how my original prayer was already being answered before they were even born. God did not disappoint.

Our identical twin boys, Everett and Axel, were born on January 11, 2021. We were released from the hospital on time, only to wind up being sent to the NICU the next day by our pediatrician. After a handful of days there to help with temperature regulation, we brought our boys home. In the days that have followed since, we’ve adapted to the challenges that even basic childcare can present when caring for two babies at once, and we’re learning how to navigate day to day life with three kids age 2 and under.

One of the biggest tools that has helped me is the power of perspective. In 1 Peter 5:12, Peter says, “My purpose in writing is to encourage you and assure you that what you are experiencing is truly part of God’s grace for you. Stand firm in that grace.” On hard days or in those moments of “I don’t know if I can do this,” I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and whisper to myself “grace.” His plan was and is perfect, and He gives a specific measure of grace tailored just to me and just for this season. God knew what He was doing when He gave us two little miracles when we only asked for one. We may not have known it then, but He was giving us grace for three.


Guest Blogger- Kate Clingan

Katie Clingan lives with her husband, Todd, and three sons in southwestern Pennsylvania. On a typical day, you can find her taking care of her newborn twins, Everett and Axel, while chasing around her toddler, Sawyer. Katie has a Master's degree in International Development and has always had a heart to help others. She currently works part time in the emergency management and business continuity field. In her down time, she loves being outdoors, gardening, and time spent reading a good book.

Instagram: @kateclingan