God, Is That You?

How do I know I'm hearing from God? Have you ever asked yourself this question? I know I have! The Bible tells us that faith requires full confidence in God, knowing that the enemy loves to take our prayers from a place of confidence to a place of wonder. I wonder if this desire is mine or God’s? I wonder if God is offended that I'm asking for this? I wonder if it’s God’s will to do this in my life. Your faith goes to a whole new level when you transition from wondering to knowing! So, how can you move your faith from wondering to knowing?

First, can you find it in God’s word? God’s word is His will. God operates within the boundary lines of His word. The Bible is a safeguard to measure if we are hearing from God. What you hear from God may not be found word for word in the Bible, but in principle, what God’s word speaks to you will be found throughout scripture.

Next, you can measure what God is speaking to you against His character. God’s character is consistent. If I hear a voice condemning me, I can be sure it’s not God. God speaks through the Holy Spirit to convict us, not to condemn us. This means that Holy Spirit always leads us to an opportunity to change. The enemy condemns. His voice separates us from God and tells us that we’re not good enough and never will be. He is the accuser of the brethren.

Lastly, you can ask yourself if what God is speaking lines up with the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 says that when we delight ourselves in the Lord, He gives us the desires of our heart. The original translation indicates that desire is put into our hearts by God Himself. When you are fully following God, He uses desire to lead you into His plan for your life. Many people think serving Jesus means being miserable and suffering through life. God wants you to enjoy life through Him! He gives you desires so that you can apply your faith to them and see them come to pass!

So, when you pray, write down a scripture that goes along with what you’re believing for. When the enemy or your own thoughts try to make you doubt… lean into faith! Declare, “If God spoke it to me, it will come to pass, and I can trust Him with the desires of my heart!”

Xoxo - Joie

joie miller