Am I Enough: Breaking The Barrier of Insecurity

Do you ever feel insecure? Let me share a secret with you... everyone feels insecure at some point in their life. The question isn’t if you ever feel insecure, but rather what do you do when those feelings come? Thoughts of insecurity can take you down a bad path quickly. These thoughts can ruin your day, cause complaining, and ultimately hold you back from being whom God has created you to be!


Before we even dive into combatting insecurity, let me remind you of one of my favorite verses. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “ take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” Now that I reminded you that you could and should measure every thought against God’s word, let’s look at some truths to combat insecurity!


1.     God has created you uniquely.

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10


You are not like anyone else, so stop comparing! You are different for a reason that is hand designed and pre-planned for you to win at the path of life that God has set out for YOU! I always say that one of the greatest travesties is that a person has a hard time seeing the beauty of their own life, their own strengths, and their own uniqueness. It is easy to see the things we admire about others, but it’s time to give yourself some celebration. Fully embrace who God has made you to be!


2.     God’s grace is released in who you are—not whom you wish you were!

Let us go ahead and be what we were made to be without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other or trying to be something we aren’t. Romans 12:4-5


Until you embrace whom God made you to be, you will continue to frustrate the grace that is trying to operate in your life. What does it mean to frustrate the grace? God’s grace is His supernatural empowerment for you to be everything He’s called you to be. When we spend time wishing we had someone else’s talent, life, or anointing, we step out of the empowerment God wants us to walk in. Outside of God’s grace, life can feel hard and frustrating. To embrace who you are is to embrace your own personal giftings and decide to stay in that space of grace! Don’t get distracted by seeing what everyone else is or isn’t doing; keep your eyes on the Lord and receive His grace to prosper in your own life!


3.     God’s grace is enough for who you are—not whom you pretend to be.

Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life. Galatians 6:5


Insecurity tends to cause us to put up a persona for perfection. Before we realize it, we can adopt a mentality of trying to be perfect in every area in our own strength. When we try to pretend to be something that we’re not, it’s exhausting. Are you trying to keep up with standards of perfection that God hasn’t called you to? Are you failing against a measuring stick that God didn’t create? Are you trying to be perfect in your own strength? Just lean into His grace. Part of knowing that you are enough to be everything He's called you to be is remembering that we need Jesus. We need His grace. So, the next time insecurity causes you to want to strive, step back, take a deep breath and say, “by your grace Lord I will just be who you’ve called me to be today.”

joie miller