Get the Funk Off

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Did you ever have a funky day?

Like out of nowhere you feel discouraged, cranky, or in some cases, even depressed. We all have these feelings come at us, but we don’t have to receive them or even give them a place or a day in our lives.

Get the funk off!

I love how the Bible is so relatable. Even great men and women of God had to learn to shake off discouragement. In 1 Kings 19, Elijah had just stepped out in boldness and saw God do amazing things through him; then, we get a glimpse of him in a funk. In verse 4, Elijah asks the Lord if he can just die! After Elijah experienced some amazing things he became discouraged and depressed. In verse 10, Elijah goes on to complain to the Lord that he is the only man of God left. That’s what the spirit of discouragement does; it tries to isolate you and make you feel alone. But God sends an angel to Elijah to snap him out of his funk. This glimpse into scripture teaches us how we can also get the funk of discouragement off.

  1. The angel tells Elijah to get up and eat something
    Sometimes, a funky moment tries to come on you because you are just plain tired. In certain situations, the most spiritual thing you can do is to take care of your physical body. When you are run down, you are more susceptible to the lies of the enemy.

  2. The Angel gives Elijah divine wisdom on what to do next
    Many times, discouragement comes when you just don’t know what to do next and you feel stuck. In verse 15, the angel tells Elijah to go to Damascus. When you feel heavy or discouraged, ask God what to do next. He will reveal divine wisdom into your situation.

  3. The angel speaks truth over Elijah
    The angel’s response to Elijah’s thought that he was alone was actually revealing truth that there were 7,000 others out there who were still good men of God. Truth exposed the lie in Elijah’s mind. Be careful who you are listening to. Get around people who will strengthen you and be a voice of truth!

Break off the spirit of heaviness by praise and thanksgiving unto God! Soon, you will realize you are more blessed than stressed!

So, we can learn lessons from Elijah that even when we get a discouraging thought or have an off day, we don’t have to stay there.There are things we can do to get the funk off and walk in peace and joy!

-Xoxo Joie

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