Get Salty

Are you a Christian but still seem trapped in old patterns and desires that are contrary to your new life in Christ? Have you been white-knuckling it, trying to change but being unable to do so?

The Bible instructs us that if we are followers of Christ, our lives should look different. We are called to be salt & light! (Matthew 5:13) The question would be, "Are you yielding your life in a way that gives lordship to Christ in every area or are you trying to change in your own strength?" Being a Christian is more than a one time commitment or a belief system--it's transformation!

I hear people all the time say how they are trying to live a "better" life. Usually, they are referring to trying to stop doing something that they know isn't good for them like drinking, smoking, cursing, etc. The truth is that it is hard--and nearly impossible--to change from the outside in. People want to change but seem powerless.Willpower and self effort can only take you so far. True transformation happens from the inside out. 

The Bible advises us, once we know Christ, to throw off our old sinful nature and former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. In Ephesians 4:17, Paul says stop living like the Gentiles (people who don't know God), for they are hopelessly confused. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature created to be like God--truly righteous and holy. 

Christ offers us a new way of living where change doesn't start with our willpower, but it starts in our hearts. Once we know Jesus, the Holy Spirit begins a work inside of us. Our job is to be willing and diligent to stop conforming to our old thought patterns and emotional cues, and instead, be transformed by the Word of God!

When Holy Spirit renews our thoughts and attitudes, transformation comes naturally. It's out of that place of transformation that people recognize that we are different--that there is something about us that is appealing and desirable. It's you yielding to the work of the Holy Spirit and purposefully taking off the old and putting on the new that makes you salt and light--different from those who don't know Christ.

Stop trying to become a "better" version of yourself in your own strength and yield to the work of the Holy Spirit! Read God's Word, spend time in prayer, and see how your life begins to change!

You are not to conform to this world but to be transformed--- begin the process of transformation today as you completely surrender your life to Christ! 

joie miller