Becoming Love

“So now I am giving you a new commandment:Love each other.Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” JOHN 13:34-35

Love--the desire of every human heart.

The question is how have you filled that desire? God's love is supernatural, and it produces a supernatural capacity to love others! Love--outside of knowing God--leaves vulnerability, risk, and disappointment. Supernatural love comes from one source alone and that is the One who is love--God himself!

The love we receive from God is fully sufficient. It completely satisfies our need for love. Out of a heart that is fully loved flows the ability to see those around us in a different way. We have a supernatural capacity to love that enables us to see others as God sees us--full of potential and destiny!

When we aren't loving from a place of wholeness that is found only through God, we love from a place of deficiency. What this means is without God's love, our ability to love others is limited by a false definition of what love is. This kind of love is based on a perception of how we’ve been hurt, betrayed, rejected or abandoned in the past.

Our love becomes responsive rather than initiative. The way we view others becomes tainted, and our ability to love them as God does becomes inhibited by our own issues. 

God's love doesn't wait until you're perfect to love and see your potential and destiny. Supernatural love has the ability to see past all of our failures to our full potential! God's love is always initiative!

"We love, because He first loved us." -1 John 4:19

God is the initiator of love. Even when we were sinners, He demonstrated His love to us through His son (Romans 5:8). God initiated love when we didn’t love Him. We should do likewise to those around us. When we see the unlovable through His eyes, we see their need for Him. It is this love that causes us to love beyond ourselves and to be a conduit of the love of God!

This kind of love 'compels' us, the Bible says. Realizing how loved we are by God moves us to actively love others through the Gospel message. Once we understand that God is our main source of love, we live free from the ability of others to hurt, reject, and offend us.

Love becomes less about self and more about seeing others as God sees them and understanding how much God loves them. Love can then flow from a place of wholeness, untainted by disappointment. Then, you are able to even love your enemies! (Mt. 5:44)

Live from a place so full of God’s love that it overflows into the relationships around you. But first, He has to become your main source of love! Ask yourself today, "Do I need to give the Lord areas of my heart where I've been hurt in order to let the love of God flow through me?" 

 Let the love of God flow through you!

Seeing others through the eyes of God’s love will change the way you love!! Make love more than something you do; make it a part of who you are.

Become love!

joie miller