Get It Together

Have you ever told yourself to get it together? What does that even mean? It refers to life in general, areas of frustration that seem to nag at your consciousness. The things that you think about lying in bed or first thing in the morning. Maybe it’s a messy house, the kids are out of order, or you just can’t find time for your devotional life. Whatever “it” is for you, God wants to help you bring order when life may feel chaotic.

God is a God of order. His plan isn’t for you to live in chaos and frustration. When God created the heavens and the earth in Genesis, He established order. The Bible says the Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters as the earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the surface of the deep. (Genesis 1) In Genesis, God was putting “it” together. The same God that brought order to chaos wants to work with you to establish order in your life. James 1:23 likens the word of God to a mirror, “Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in the mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.” As a believer, you can look at God’s Word to get a glimpse of what a life of order looks like. The verses of the Bible paint a picture of what God’s will is for every area of your life. To sum up, the intent of God for your life is to give you life and life abundant!

Not only does the Word reflect God’s will for you, but He also works with you to see it come to be. When it comes to getting it together, you may wonder how you will bring order to chaos and resolve frustration. After all, if it were easy, you would have done it by now. But the beautiful thing about God is that He is in it with you! He never leaves you nor forsakes you! The same Spirit that hovered the waters is hovering over your life right now. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” I love the part of that verse that says that without finding fault, even if the chaos is because of your own decisions or lack of discipline, God is ready to pour divine wisdom out on you to bring resolution!

Another verse says the spirit in us is teaching us how to prosper! Teaching us how to get it together! Some of the ways God teaches us are:

1)      By His Word: Apply the Bible to the areas of your life that need order. Finances, parenting, decision-making? The Bible addresses it all!

2)      By His Spirit: Inquire of God. When was the last time you prayed and asked God what you should do? You will be surprised how He is waiting to respond!

3)      By other people: God uses people in our lives! Find a good mentor, someone who has done what you desire- or is successful in an area you want to grow in! If you’re a parent of a teen, find a good book on parenting. Be diligent in learning from others!

Not only will God grant you wisdom, but unction! Most of the time, you already know what changes you need to make to bring order to your life. Frustration is a great motivator… use it to start implementing what you need to adjust! Once you seek God, don’t wait for an angel to get you started. You start, and God will meet you! Start small and grow from there. Put realistic expectations on your situation but be diligent about those small changes! Start with 20 minutes of investing in the situation that frustrates you. Maybe it’s 20 minutes of prayer and bible reading. Perhaps it’s 20 minutes focused on cleaning a room. Maybe it is 20 minutes of exercise or spending 20 minutes devoted to quality time with a spouse or child. You will be shocked by what a difference 20 minutes make!

Stick to it! God is working in you to give you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. Holy Spirit is working in you and with you! Today is your day to see order invade your chaos--- today marks the day you are getting “it” together, friend!

joie miller