Created on Purpose for a Purpose

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You were created on purpose, for a purpose!

This means that a very intentional God created you in your mother’s womb with a purpose already in mind. Not only did He have a purpose in mind, but every one of your days were written down in His book before one of them came to be! (Psalm 139:13-16). God didn’t make a mistake when He made you, and He considers your contribution and purpose as extremely valuable and necessary!

You see, often times we don’t have a hard time believing in God or in others, but we have a hard time believing in ourselves! Your background, your upbringing, the way you look, even your personality—all of it was very intentional. Yes, there is a refining a process of taking off the old nature and putting on the new, but God loves you and wants you to walk out His plan! Every part of your life has purpose; even times that were difficult or chapters that you would rather rewrite, He will turn them around and use them for His glory! Not that God authored hardship or pain, but He sees it, and when we hand it over to Him, He gives beauty for ashes.

The very things that I despised about myself or my life growing up as a child have actually made me into the person that I am. They forged me, and even the things I may have wanted to change, God has used to serve the purposes of God in my life!

Once we come to know Jesus, we are redeemed. Then there is a continual redeeming of everything in our lives. Colossians 3 says that we are continually being made into the likeness of the image of our Maker. That means that we are continually becoming more like Jesus.

So, be encouraged today that God created you with a seed of purpose on the inside of you, and when you come to know Jesus, that purpose comes to life and everything begins to make sense. Your contribution in life is just that—YOURS! Your perspective, your experience, your uniqueness—it’s all for a purpose! So embrace the fact that God is crazy about you, He believes in you, and He has a specific plan designed that only you are equipped enough to fulfill! You were created on purpose for a purpose, so own it!

Why don’t we own it? Why don’t we just believe that we are who God says we are? Well there are a few areas that can keep us from stepping into our purpose.

Comparison: Comparison kills

Chances are you are comparing all of the parts that only you know about your life with the highlight reel of what you do know about someone else, and that leaves you feeling like a failure. Stop comparing. The Bible, in 2 Corinthians 10:12 says, “We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise.” Comparison isn’t wise because we classify or compartmentalize into good vs. bad; the right way vs. the wrong way; success vs. failure. When it comes to God creating you uniquely with a unique purpose, you can’t compare because no two people are the same and no two callings are exactly the same. If we’re not careful comparison will stop us even before we start. It will tell us someone else can always do it right or better, and we’ll never try. This is such a lie from the enemy; God needs your contribution to your calling. Nobody is more equipped to walk in your purpose like you are! Comparison signs us up for a competition that we don’t want to be in. You can live free from competition with others and let others encourage you and inspire you but don’t measure your success against them. Be around others who will cheer you on and encourage you into your purpose, not compete with you. Remember, comparison kills destiny!

Insecurity: Insecurity intimidates

Insecurity is uncertainty about ones identity. Often, insecurity is rooted about what others opinions are of you. It’s an underlying intimidation. In 1 Samuel 17, intimidation was Goliath’s game in defeating the Israelite Army. Goliath did nothing but attack Israel’s identity by shouting insults at them and their God for 40 days and nights. The Israelites got to to the point where they doubted who they were and who their God was! The enemy loves to use this tactic in your life too! Sometimes, it’s an intimidating thought of self doubt in your own head, or maybe it’s the intimidation of what others think of you. Constantly relying on others to validate your identity will make you completely unstable and keep you from moving forward in God’s purpose. You will never make everyone completely happy, so stop trying and make it your number one goal to please God and believe in yourself! God believes in you, so start believing in yourself!

Shame: Shame Hides

Shame is a painful feeling of humiliation or embarrassment. Shame will keep you hiding from what God has called you out of and what He is calling you into. The Bible says that, when you come to know Christ, the old is gone and all things become new. When you say yes to Jesus, He gives you a new identity. The sin and shame that used to define you no longer are your identity. The truth is that you have to embrace and accept His redeeming power. In Genesis 3, Adam and Eve were in the garden, and they were naked and ashamed. The Bible says that they hid from God. Shame is an awareness to your faults and failures, but as a child of God, you’ve been redeemed from your past. Your identity is now who God says you are! Psalm 3:3 says, “but You O Lord are the shield around me, my glory and the lifter of my head.” Once you come to know Christ, you can lift your head high. So, chin up buttercup—He who began a work in you is faithful to complete it! There is no more shame; you are new in Christ with a beautiful purpose to fulfill—a purpose that you are worthy of because of Jesus!

So, shake off shame. Stop comparing. Believe in yourself! You are God’s Masterpiece, created on purpose for a purpose!

Xoxo- Joie

Faithjoie miller