Bigger Than The Battle
Bigger than the Battle
No battle, no victory. Nobody likes a battle. Battles aren’t fun. Sometimes in life, battles can take us off guard or catch us by surprise. The kind of battle that takes your breath away because you didn’t see it coming. A surprise attack from the enemy.
Some battles are simply a result of living in a fallen world, things that we didn’t ask for or cause. No matter what the source of the battle is, know that you have the victory. That’s right, I said have. You won’t win one day, you have won. As a child of God, you don’t have to fight for your victory, you simply stand in your place of victory!
The word victory has two meanings according to Merriam Webster. The first meaning is the overcoming of an enemy or antagonist. The second meaning is an achievement of mastery or success in a struggle or endeavor. Both definitions describe what Jesus did on the cross and the status we now carry as co-heirs with Him! Victory is your portion this year! How can I say that with such confidence and assurance? Well, the Bible declares it over the children of God! John 16:33 (amp) reads, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have (perfect) peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous (be confident, undaunted, filled with joy); I have overcome the world (My conquest is accomplished, my victory abiding). Jesus’s death on the cross secured victory for you today in every way! In fact, Romans 8 tells us that we are now MORE THAN conquers in Christ Jesus! So, the question is, why do we accept defeat? The reality is that God has given you everything you need to operate in victory, but if we’re not careful we will settle for less. Less than whole, less than healthy, less than financially abounding…
Has it taken too long? Remember, God is not bound by time! In John 11, Mary and Martha were expecting Jesus on their timeline to heal their brother. Jesus purposely stayed where he was for two more days before he went to his friend. While Mary and Martha were watching the clock for a healing, Jesus was planning a resurrection. Be careful what you give up on because you think it’s too late, you could be in the middle of one of your greatest miracles!
Does it seem impossible? Does the battle you’re facing feel hopeless, like there is no chance for victory? Well then, you’re in a great position for faith to be released! God works best at the places of impossibility. Every miracle in the Bible starts with an impossible circumstance. God is bigger than your battle! “Jesus looked at them and said, with man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27
Are you too tired? Are you weary from battle? The good news is that God doesn’t call you to fight in your own strength, He just wants you to stay in faith! As you stay in faith, He will fight on your behalf. Remember, the victory is yours. The enemy can’t take it so he tries to make you so tired that you give up! Galatians 6:9 says. “Don’t grow weary in well doing. You will reap a harvest if you faint not!” If you don’t quit, you win. So stop fighting in your own strength and be renewed by the joy of the Lord that results in knowing the battle is won!
If there is an area of your life where the battle is raging, this is the year for your victory! It’s time to remind the enemy that he has no authority in your life! Colossians 2:15 says that by his death on the cross, Jesus made a public spectacle of every power and authority that would try to oppose the destiny God has for you! Welcome to the Victory Club! Jesus’s victory is abiding and His conquest is complete!