Are You Done Yet?

“Are you done yet?” Four words that I have said a million times. The majority of those times were to my children in the middle of throwing a fit or prodding them along when I knew there was somewhere we needed to be. The question always alluded to the point that if they would hurry up, we could get on with it…whether that was resolving a conflict or getting out the door to where we needed to be. Just like the countless episodes with my children, we all have the tendency to get caught up in distractions that can hold us back from where God is trying to take us. Not too long ago, I had an “Are you done yet” moment. I was in the middle of a one-sided conversation with God. At a point of frustration, I began to express all of my complaints to God. I won’t even try to justify the conversation; it was a complaining or ranting session. Being the gracious God that He is, He simply spoke to my heart the question, “Are you done yet?” These four words completely snapped me out of my funk. He was basically saying, daughter, I hear you but until you are finished with your fit, we can’t move on from here.

This conversation I had with God reminded me of the time Moses had a similar moment of lamentation. In Exodus 3, Moses encounters God through a burning bush, a bush that was on fire but not consumed. In the middle of this miraculous encounter where God is validating and sending Moses to deliver the people of Israel, Moses argues with God. God couldn’t have been clearer in the fact that Moses was chosen for this mandate, yet Moses laments through all of the reasons he’s not equipped for the purpose God had called him to.

When we read the story of Moses it seems clear how caught up in a moment of self-loathing Moses is. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob appeared to him in a burning bush and he still is complaining. In the middle of my tantrum with God, I sounded just as caught up in a pity party as Moses did. All the while, God is just trying to get us past the perspective of ourselves and onto what He has for us.

What are the areas you are still having a fit about, complaining about or self-doubting? What are the excuses you are giving God as to why you can’t or complaining because things haven’t worked out your way or in your timing? God is asking you today, “Are you done yet?” because as soon as you’re done you can move on to the great part of the plans, He has for you. Let go of anything that is holding you back or distracting you. God’s plan for your life is good, the sooner you let go, trust, and believe that plan is good, the sooner He can move you towards it.

There you go, four words to set you free from yourself and the lies that are holding you back! “Are you done yet?”

joie miller