Time Management

Time management is key to success that most people miss out on because they think it is just a leadership principle. Really, time management is a spiritual principle because God causes us to steward our lives in a manner that is worthy of our calling (Ephesians 4:1).

I love the story in 2 Kings 4, where the prophet Elijah instructs the woman to get as many pots and vessels as she can find. Once she gathers all of the vessels, he tells her to pour her oil. As he had prophesied, the oil did not stop until every container she had was full.

Her story shows us that God wants to pour out his spirit in our lives, but he can only pour out as much as we can contain. If the structure of your life is so full that you are unable to keep up with your regular household and workplace obligations, then God cannot give you more. The structure of your life will either increase or decrease God's ability to move in and through you.

We all have the same 24 hours in our day, so how are you using it? Are you busy, or are you productive? 

Q: Make a list of the things you are frustrated that you never get to do. Identify a time in your schedule for each of these tasks as we go through the tips below.

8 Ways to Improve Your Time Management Using A Planner

  1. Put all of your recurring monthly events into your planner.

  2. Write your top three goals for the month on that page.

  3. Then turn to the daily view of your planner and assign your tasks in 30-60 minute increments.

  4. Bite off the big things early in the day. If you are not sure what these are, think about the things you wish you had time to do at the end of the day.

  5. Have a routine of things you do every darn day and make space for it in your planner.

  6. Do not forget to allow time for travel to and from school dropoff or the grocery store.

  7. Find hidden pockets of time in your day. For example, I use the time when I am getting ready for the day and driving in the car to improve myself by listening to an audiobook or a podcast.

  8. Assign household tasks a unique day of the week.

When you manage your time, you eliminate stress, create an environment of peace in your home, and move from surviving to thriving. 

Pray this: Father God, thank you for leading and guiding me and helping me to be more like God. Thank you for showing me how time management is a spiritual issue. Today I speak against laziness and busyness in my life. Help me to identify ways to create more time so I can increase my capacity and be ready for whatever you have called me to do. In Jesus' name, amen!

joie miller