The Mrs. Rev Podcast: Walking in Your Purpose

What is it that God has called you to do? If you’re anything like me, you want to do everything God has called you to. You want to fulfill a purpose! But oftentimes, it can feel like your calling or purpose is years away. But did you know that you don’t have to wait for “someday”? You can start walking out your purpose today!

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin,” Zechariah 4:10

God wants you to bloom where you are planted and use your gift where you are NOW.

Remember when God led the Israelites to the promised land? It was not a direct journey! He took them through a process to get to their promise, and that process was just as important as their destination. If you focus too much on the final destination, you will try to bail out of the everyday purposes God puts before you.

God wants to work in you TODAY.

God wants to develop your calling TODAY.

God wants to work on your character TODAY.

Here are three questions that can discourage you from letting God use you where you are.

1. When? When is it going to happen?

Think about the story of David. He was called to be king as a young man, but he had to grow into being a king. Instead of acting like the king and trying to walk in that purpose right away, David went back to what he was doing and did it faithfully. Don’t let worrying about when you will see your promise come to pass take you out of the process! You can wait patiently without being idle. Pay attention to what God is asking you to do in daily acts of obedience. This will develop your character and your abilities so that you can sustain the promise when it is time.

Remember: You don’t know better than God does.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

2. How? 

When God called Moses to deliver the Israelites from Egypt, Moses was very concerned about how God was going to do it. When he asked God how he was going to use him when he had a stuttering problem, God responded, “Who gave you a voice to speak? I created you.” If you’re not careful, you will be like Moses and fixate more on “how” your promise will come to pass than you focus on the one who gave you the promise. 

If you just believe daily, God will bring everything to pass. You don’t have to stress or fixate on it. Everything in the kingdom starts in seed form and then continues to grow. Your natural combined with God’s supernatural is what will bring it to pass. So, do what you know to do and trust that God knows what He is doing!

3. Why?

Sometimes things happen in our lives that make us ask, “Why?” Why did this happen? Why did this happen when I know that God has so much more planned for me? If you are in this place, I encourage you to read the stories about Joseph in the Bible. Joseph’s process looked like it was taking him further from his dream.

Don’t let wondering “why” cause you to back off of your promise or change your theology. Trust God and ask Him to help you grow through that situation. Then, you will be spiritually strong enough to sustain the promise when it comes!

Pray this: God, thank you for being a God that I can trust with my dreams and my future. Help me not to get so wrapped up in when, how, and why, that I miss out on what you are doing in me today. Help me to focus my thoughts and energy on you, your character, and your goodness. Amen!

joie miller