The Mrs. Rev Podcast: How to lead your family through adversity

We are living in unprecedented times. Businesses and schools are closed and our daily life is being disrupted. But it’s not just us who are adjusting. Our children are also adjusting. The whole world is adjusting! We have never been in this situation before! Joshua chapter 3 talks about how the Israelites had to follow the Spirit of God because they were going somewhere they had never been before, just like we are! In times of uncertainty and adversity, we need to remember that God is a God who will lead us!

Here are some practical tips that can help you navigate and make the most of the season we are in:

1. Watch how you express your emotions.

Children are getting a lot of their emotional cues from you. If you’re panicking every time you watch the news or yell about groceries, they will learn to respond the same way. Maybe you are facing some real situations, but you need to guard that. Guard how you are responding right now. Little eyes are watching you! Is your response one of faith and peace, or are you reacting like the world is reacting?

2. Keep your kids and family in the word of God.

Don’t worry about what you will eat or wear. (Matthew 6:25) People who don’t know the Lord worry about these things. But you have a father in heaven who meets your needs and knows what you need before you ask for them! When we stay in a place of faith, our kids will remember that and remember how we react. You don’t have to ignore the needs and worries you and your children have, but you do need to guard how you react. Show your kids how God works. Take every worry to the Lord in prayer. Spend time in scripture with them. Make sure that those are the things your kids remember.

3. Turn off the news/TV.

Having the TV on all the time can impact your thoughts and emotions, especially when there is so much negative news. You do not have to let the adversity penetrate your household! Joshua 24:15 Keep the first thing first. It declares that you and your house will serve the Lord no matter what is going on around you. Remember that He is our source of strength, he will give you anything you need.

4. Remember that this is just a season.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. Take advantage of what you have right now. Don’t let the enemy rob you of joy. Find grace in the presence of God, and don’t let chaos rule you. Don’t let adversity from the outside redirect your path.

5. Restructure your day to work for you.

Your schedule might look different, but you can still use time blocking. Decide what your priorities are in this season and create a routine that works for where you are now.

6. Spend time with the Lord before you start your day.

Having everyone at home all day can make it harder to find time to be alone with the Lord. When you set your schedule, make sure that this is a priority! It will make a dramatic difference in how you think and respond in every season!

Pray this out: Father God, you are great. You are all-knowing, and I am so thankful that you already know how to help me thrive in every situation. Help me to make the most of my time and keep my emotions in check. As I read the Word, as I help my children, as I complete my work, help me to stay in your peace and to be reminded of your faithfulness. I love you, God, and I know that this year will be full of your goodness. In Jesus’s name, amen.

joie miller