Planning For The Promise: The Power of Planning to Fulfill God's Purpose for Your Life

You know what God has called you to do, but how do you make it come to pass? Where is the line between your responsibility and God's responsibility? While God can provide supernatural help, the fruit of our life is partially determined by how well we plan and manage our time. In this podcast, we're talking about the three ways proper planning and self-discipline help you fulfill God's plan for your life.

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

God’s plan for our life is about more than just whether we become an evangelist, write a book, or start a million-dollar company. He wants to see our life bear good fruit in every area.

That means that we have to plan our lives in a way where we create a structure for God’s peace, joy, and even self-discipline, to flow naturally from our lives.

Planning will help you see greater…

  1. Productivity

    The Proverbs 31 Woman did a lot in a day, and I guarantee you that she didn’t try to accomplish it all without a plan! Plans will help you make the most of your time and ensure that you are moving toward your goals.

    Take action: If you don’t already have one, get a planner! Write down what you have to do every day as though you were your own boss. By assigning every task a time, you can minimize the number of decisions you have to make every day and allow yourself to execute. When possible, schedule the tasks you don’t look forward to first so you get them done while you are most productive. Pay attention to when you work best and put the majority of your work in that space.

  2. Purpose

    Nothing would be worse than to realize that your life is full of regret. Proper planning ensures that you are spending tie on the things that really matter to you.

    Take Action: Think about the top three priorities you have. How are your actions fueling that purpose?

  3. Peace

    Planning isn’t just a way to be more productive, it is also a way to help the fruit of the spirit flow through your life. Think about it: do you feel peaceful when you’re looking through the drier for clean underwear 2 minutes before you have to run out the door? When you have a plan, you create the structure for peace in your home.

    Take Action: What areas of your life are causing you the most stress? What causes you to lose your peace or joy? How could planning help you avoid or prepare for those situations?

joie miller