Rooted In Resurrection


  • John 11: 1-44; 12; 16:33

  • Isaiah 63

  • Philippians 3: 10

  • Ezekiel 37: 1-7


To be resurrected or to experience resurrection is to rise again; it is to have hope over areas of your life that may seem barren. Because of Jesus Christ, no matter how bleak a situation may appear, resurrection power is at work.

Maybe today your life may not look like you thought it was going to, but I encourage you to believe that the story is just getting good. God is establishing a strength in you–a strength to live differently and be rooted in Him like never before. Even through seasons that have brought disappointment or that seem dormant, choose to be spiritually mature and rooted in His word.

In the Bible, God uses the death of Lazarus to fully display His resurrection power. Like the death of Lazarus, your situation may feel like it’s at the end, but what is happening in the natural is not what is happening in the spiritual! There are many instances in life where we get caught up in what is not happening rather than believing in faith that Jesus is working all things together. If we are not careful, our faith can be shaken, we quit, or even question whether God hears our prayers.

Even though we know Jesus and His nature, it’s impossible to always predict what Jesus is doing in our lives. However, it’s in the behind-the-scenes moments that our faith has an opportunity to grow. Learn His truth and become fully rooted in knowing God is at work. Sometimes God holds back so that an even greater glory can be revealed. He is simply asking you to trust Him.

The gospel message tells us that by default, we will go through trials. After all, it’s a fallen world. Don’t allow trials to turn into a lack of faith; instead, turn them into opportunities for your faith to be on display! Grace is released in trials until you see the resurrection power on display in your life.

If you’ve been waiting in the dormant season for longer than you anticipated, remember–-miracles and promises of God do not have expiration dates, nor does God’s resurrection power operate within limits. God is not done working in your situation, and you can know it because you know Him!

Ask yourself today: are you in an open tomb with resurrection all around you, but you’re so frazzled you can’t even recognize Jesus at work in your life? Be careful not to hit pause in your story before the resurrection miracle can break forth!

This year, believe in Him and believe at the end of the story. The plot is going to change in your favor. Dead things will come back to life again. He will bring power, restoration, and peace. When it looks like it’s dead, don’t wallow in the tomb weeping; prophecy resurrection, call it forth, and don’t stop declaring that if it’s not good, God’s not done!

joie miller